
As a formal matter, it's true the delegates would be unbound and Harris wouldn't automatically be the nominee. But these pie in the sky schemes for some American Idol competition are nonsense, because no matter what the formal process is, nobody who matters will challenge Harris for the nomination.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
also any process you can dream up for a contested convention will be subsumed by conversations in the background to pick a winner anyway (and that winner will be Harris).
like, these all fail to do what the authors want it to do (pick someone other than Harris, but with extra steps and flashing lights) on a basic technical level, never mind anything else
Right. The idea the decision would actually, substantively be left to the minor party functionaries who signed up just to be there in-person for the speeches is totally out of touch with who the delegates really are. They're not free agents and don't represent the party's voters in any real sense.
It's political nerd wish-casting for a 19th C. style convention ignoring the reality that the delegates already chosen are not 19th C. style delegates.