
The extent to which the NYT Editorial Board grapples with this is to suggest that the Democratic Party should “create a process”
If this is a serious problem, then it deserves to be taken seriously, and it says a great deal about the commentariat that the vast majority of the discussion hasn’t done that
The Democratic Party does have a process. It’s the primary process. We already did it. Biden won.
Oh? Who ran in the primary?
Who else participated in this process? Can you really call it a process?
People wrote in Biden and he beat the candidates actually on the ballot!
I am a Warren voter and the senator didn’t even win her home state.
In 2020? I don't recall to be honest but I'm rather surprised.
Finished 3rd, behind Biden and Sanders.
I did! That's my vote you're trying throw out!
same. there was an active campaign to get people to vote for “the concept of Joe Biden not being the Democratic nominee” and Biden still won by like 300%, it was a whole thing
Yes, I voted for No Preference & Biden whooped us. There were other candidates I could have voted for but none of them were as good. If we'd had a better candidate than Biden, that would have been great, but you can't will them into competing
If a real contender ran, the party would punish them. It’s ok to be salty about that, while acknowledging that’s just how it is
I'm gonna share a little secret with you. Given a choice between staying in power AND picking up seats vs keeping Joe Biden at the head of a ticket, the Dems would be OVER THE MOON to drop Joe for the former. There isn't some secret fairy princess that the Dems have been hunting down, Willow style.
And let me tell you another little secret. When it seems like Repubs have it together/don't have this problem, a good chunk of that is because it's really easy to get a bunch of wealthy white dudes and their allies to agree on something. It's much harder with a diverse coalition.+
The party has previously amended debate rules when it became clear there was a better contender than expected; we don't talk about how the party rigged the election against Clinton, though
This is beyond my knowledge. What should i look up, to learn more? (both Clinton and amendment)
That's because the party is currently controlled by Joe Biden, the incumbent, who wishes to remain in office, & people are loyal to him
And I’m one of those people. I didn’t vote for Biden in either the 2020 or 2024 primaries. I’m still voting for him (again) in the general. For Biden to be muscled out after he won the primary would mean my (losing) vote was meaningless. And it would mean all future primaries are also meaningless.
If you can't name *anyone* else who ran in the 2020 Dem primary, that's a little bit of a you problem, but it also speaks to Biden's strength as a candidate few people wanted to run against him and those who did didn't get any traction. Primary voters chose Biden.
I assume your gripe here is that the only challengers were two no-hope losers, which is true, but nobody made whatever unicorn replacement candidate you’re imagining sit it out. There hasn’t been even a semi-credible primary challenge to an incumbent president since 1980 for a reason
This is it. My principal whine is that incumbents automatically win their primaries. I want a Dem candidate who can offer an alternative, and tug on the Overton window. I know I’m wishing for sth that can’t exist, similar to ending the electoral college. “Nobody made them sit it out”. Lol tho
Ok three things: 1, you’re right it sucks incumbent advantage is so powerful but it is. 2, nobody who thinks they have a real shot in 28 is going to sign up to get pulverized in 24. 3, what makes you so sure a credible primary challenge to Biden would be from his left