
I just read this Forbes piece, and I worry for Tim Onion "Gorsuch’s mother, Anne Gorsuch Burford, previously led the EPA during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. She ultimately resigned from the position after a controversial two-year tenure that included massive ..." 1/2
... budget cuts, slashing regulations and a scandal over the Superfund hazardous waste removal program that led to her being held in contempt of Congress." 2/2
All I can imagine is the "why can my grandkid find porn on his phone so often" style of Congressional hearings but applied to all of regulation
Aren't they having trouble getting through the cases they already have? I suppose they're counting on the lower courts to figure out climate change? I'm not sure the right wingers have any room to talk about incoherence.
absolutely. lower courts are slammed
Jamming up every regulation in court for a decade sounds like a feature not a bug to me. Every white shoe law firm is so horny today.
But yeah it’s going to be a huge disaster for the courts
This is why the administration should pass thousands of new ones, immediately. NGOs can then get LLMs to spit out a torrent of lawsuits about existing regs not being stringent *enough*, and create a decades-deep dam against any litigation to overturn the new stuff.
His mama taught him everything he needs to know about how to deal with the EPA.
Or the part where Alito just invented fake history when he wrote the opinion about abortion.
We have to get house back, keep Senate and get rid of filibuster, get Joe in and get some shit done. Impeach lying justices.
well, actually by the billionaire companies that can afford the lawsuits and the court.
But lawyers know everything! And also, journalists.
I understand why the first place crappy ai work made it into the public space was lawyers were getting caught for using AI and not ever checking the basic facts ai provided.