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Still trying to take all of this less seriously. I sometimes miss entire words due to a neuro issue.
Tucker Carlson’s interview with lawyer Robert Amsterdam, titled “Ukrainian churches are being burned and priests beaten,” quickly gained traction with the MAGA movement. The video falsely claimed pro-western Ukrainians burned Russia-linked churches.
Trump ally debunked: Ukraine not burning Russian-linked churcheskyivindependent.com When Tucker Carlson, a popular American right-wing conservative, released an interview with lawyer Robert Amsterdam titled “Ukrainian churches are being burned and priests beaten,” it quickly gained t...
FFS, this shit again...
Holy shit, we live in the stupidest possible universe. A.G. Sulzberger is the heir to, and publisher of the NYT. Anonymous source from the NYT: "It’s A.G. He’s the one who is pissed [that] Biden hasn’t done any interviews and quietly encourages all the tough reporting on his age.”
How The New York Times Became the White House’s Least Favorite Paperwww.politico.com Biden’s people think they’re “entitled." The Times says “they’re not being realistic.”
New Idaho state law for entering a public library. Fear of knowledge is the new normal.
i keep re-reading this to make sure i didn't hallucinate
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
I took this photo in The Giant Mountains, on the Polish side of the border. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_M... #photography #longexposure
IDK, gonna need to get John Roberts' thoughts on this before I think it's a good idea for the FDA to be on top of this.
New test results released by the FDA found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the commonly used flash pasteurization method fully neutralizes the virus.
FDA’s testing of raw milk finds H5N1 bird flu in half of samples but confirms flash pasteurization kills virus | CNNcnn.it New test results released by the US Food and Drug Administration on Friday found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the comm...
Barack Obama speaks truth about the debate:
If you need a picture to illustrate today, please show this : This is Dnipro , Ukraine today after russia attacked the city centre and ruined a civilian apartment building. emergency psychologist helping a girl on a site of the attack . Friday.
Corruption is now legal in the United States. "On a 6-3 party-line vote, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that state officials may accept “gratuities” from people who wish to reward them for their official actions, despite a federal anti-corruption statute that appears to ban such rewards."
The Supreme Court rules that state officials can engage in a little corruption, as a treatwww.vox.com Snyder v. US is the Republican justices’ latest decision weakening anti-corruption laws.
But who will label the labelers?
Holy crap. I had never heard of the movie Mars Express until watching it today. It is certainly some of my favorite sci-fi in years. Highly recommend. www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mars_express #scifi #movies #animation
I understand that nearly everyone here hates OpenAI & ChatGPT. However, there are some things that GPT-4o can do for free, which are nearly magical and close to perfect, and help the hard of sight. In 5 seconds, you can create alt text for images such as comics or charts. Check out this alt text:
Don't ever think that you are powerless. Here is the power of one human being who was ignored by his government, so he decided to take his fate into his own hands. North Korea attacked him, then he shut down their internet access. Do not be afraid. Do not comply. #democracy #infosec #freedom
I’m the hacker that brought down North Korea’s Internet For Over A Week. AMAold.reddit.com Hey everyone so let’s see if this is interesting for anyone, here’s a link to the...
OTD in 1940 USSR invited Nazi ambassador over to pass very warm congratulations to Hitler for the rapid Nazi conquest of France. The sort of thing an ally would do...
Morning Bluesky. Off to another TV meeting this morning. But just to start the day in the same space… If you thought the BBC’s Question Time specifically platformed hard right voices, we now have data:
I have a highly controversial political position due to believing that having personal beliefs is far better than having fixed political positions. I believe in the asshole/not asshole political axis. Assholes across binary beliefs: Moscovites, Likud, Hamas, Holocaust deniers, GOP, IRGC...
I should also have know better since I was around for WMD in Iraq, I still wanted to hope for better. However, it appears more clearly than ever that the goal of NYT is to make sure that management and certain columnists could never be uncomfortable at the next Ultra-high-net-worth get-together.
Because I’m very slow, the NYT coverage of Trump baffled me until I realized they quite simply want him to win.
When I was 5 years old, my mother and I escaped authoritarian communism to bring us to the freedom of the USA. We were trying to escape things like government "oversight" of private universities. What happened with the Internet Observatory should raise all of the alarm bells of free thinkers.
NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations www.platformer.news/stanford-int...
@acolangelo.com You mentioned that you were considering going to Substack. I would like to recommend Ghost, which only charges $9/month and takes a 0% cut. It's also OSS, and more. ghost.org/vs/substack/ ghost.org/vs/patreon/
Valentina is a drone pilot fighting against the russian invaders. In this video she explains how even Ukraine ignored the reality of what happened when russia invaded South Ossetia. Please spread her message before russian imperialism comes to your home. #Ukraine #UkrainianView #Russia #Europe
Ukraine's fatal mistake, which led to tragedy, which others may repeat. War in Ukraine.www.youtube.com War in Ukraine. Hi guys, my name is Valentina. I am drone pilot, ukrainian volunteer. To support this channel and me :PayPal: [email protected] Red...