s. e. smith

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s. e. smith


that person with the peaches

also a national magazine award-winning journalist/essayist with an eclectic beat and a love for cultural criticism spotted in bitch (rip), the nation, in these times, the verge, the washington post, &c

Someone reminded me that because of the holidays I should probably give this an extra day, so extending until Monday!
Reminder to people who ask if I sell quilts: taking cash or trade offers on this piece until TOMORROW, July 7, via email: sesmith at realsesmith dot com. I recommend following my insta to keep an eye on what I’m working on and if/when quilts are available for sale: instagram.com/sesmithquilts
Anchor outs are slowly being squeezed out of the Bay in the name of eelgrass conservation, but there are better ways to balance humans and the environment than evicting people from one of the last affordable places.
In the Name of Eelgrass - Bay Naturebaynature.org To protect the eelgrass meadows in San Francisco’s Richardson Bay, the anchor-out era near Sausalito is coming to a close.
Are we done with booms yet
which asshole let a mosquito in here
Reposted byAvatar s. e. smith
why did we stop sending men to the moon. So many men could fit up there
Reposted byAvatar s. e. smith
Bosses and landlords should both be required to provide at least two references.
If you have to come back to explain your joke several hours later I think it's safe to say it didn't land.
Comrades who also suffer from Having Absolutely No Ass, Literally Just a Flat Plane Back There, does anyone have recommendations for pants?
Reminder to people who ask if I sell quilts: taking cash or trade offers on this piece until TOMORROW, July 7, via email: sesmith at realsesmith dot com. I recommend following my insta to keep an eye on what I’m working on and if/when quilts are available for sale: instagram.com/sesmithquilts
When did it become 3am I swear it was just like 1230
I just want quality screen-printed tees on 100% cotton fabric and yes I am willing to pay!! Take my money!!!
Reposted byAvatar s. e. smith
PSA: Psychologists have NEVER EVER EVER had prescribing rights. We don’t want ‘em, you WANT a pro watching you who has zero ego involved in the drugs you’re taking. We’ll work with your GP or a psychiatrist for you, but walking scrip pad is the med school grads. We’re software.
I could honestly do without eight million casino ads on every podcast.
[bookmark this vagueskeet for later]
Assuming I did my math right it's going to be cool as fuck though
I just spent two and a half hours doing layout and math on the quilt and I just ordered the fabric and I REALLY hope I didn't fuck it up.
I just spent two and a half hours doing layout and math on the quilt and I just ordered the fabric and I REALLY hope I didn't fuck it up.
Thinking about this today as our beaches are crowded with shrieking children and parents hold the hands of their little ones while crossing the street and people take turns holding babies at picnics, all under skies with nary a drone nor a warplane.
War Has Forced Gaza’s Children to Grow Up Far Too Soonwww.thenation.com “Instead of playing and jumping, he is thinking of how to help us survive," one father says.
Sometimes the fruit of the poison tree is actually edible with care cf cashews
The face of someone who was a perfect little angel at the vet’s because I was in the room and he knows I am unimpressed by his theatrics
Love this Sarah Jaffe read on the labor beat; coming from someone who's been in it for a very, very long time, there's a lot of great insight. And as someone who's been really struggling to place labor stories, I implore media orgs to invest in this coverage.
The Laborious Nature of Labor Reportingprogressive.org There is life left in the labor beat—and we need to value it.