
So last night I went to the kitchen for something, went to open the fridge door and THERE WAS A SLUG INSIDE THE FRIDGE DOOR HANDLE, I touched it, recoiled in horror, made the kind of noises Caitlin Moran's group chat makes when frigging themselves off to Sir Kenny Steamer and I have PTSD now from it
My fridge door and kitchen floor are now a solid mass of salt
Had similar experiences in Horrible London Basement Flat and feel for you. The slimy freaks simply don't know where they're not wanted
In the place I last lived in France, the bit where the sink and the worktop meet had a couple of tiny gaps in it. Sometimes I'd come into the kitchen at night and find the sink being invaded by slugs (including the clean dishes on the draining board) which then immediately zipped back into the gaps.
I eventually used up an entire tube of silicon sealant going around the sink to seal it all properly. Fortunately they weren't strong enough to open the under-sink cabinet door, but you couldn't keep anything in there that you didn't want slimed.
Years ago in LA I had a cockroach jump on me from a counter when I went to get a glass of water in the kitchen. I have never screamed like that before or since.
Pretty sure I would have done the same
Paul you shouldn't jump on people from the counter when they're getting a glass of water
How else am I supposed to get any exercise
That last half was probably more "ARGH" then the first half.
I…didn’t know slugs even went indoors & now I have something brand new to worry about, but still that’s a hell of a simile.
Those things are a sensory nightmare! I made the mistake of trying to move one with my bare hands and it felt like the slime would never come off, I was desperately going through the cabinets looking for a soap out solvent that would remove it. Probably took me the better part of a half hour.
I still shudder at the memory of accidentally touching a slug at Girl Guide camp 60 years ago. You have my sympathies.
Years ago my brother lived in a basement flat in Leinster Square that had a resident slug that would come through from the kitchen at night no matter what he tried, also next door was a depressed clown but at least he didn't try coming through the flat at night. I stayed there once and never again