
I regularly blow people’s minds by pointing out that some states in Mexico, like Yucatan, have crime and murder rates that look like Connecticut
this also goes hand in hand with the remarkably pervasive idea among US citizens, even left-leaning ones, that all of Mexico is a crime-ridden hell hole
I went to Cancun for a resort trip earlier in the year and my conservative dad started going off about the crime. It was getting pretty embarrassing.
The tourist areas in Cancun are exceptionally safe is my understanding. The resorts and government have spent a lot of resources keeping it so.
Cancun and Tulum are sketchier than Merida and the other less tourist dominated bits but that’s in large part (so I’ve heard) because lots of partying tourists have money to buy drugs and want to buy drugs which attracts the industry
This is exactly correct. And in both places you’d have to be an idiot to get caught up in the violence btwn rival crews. Which naturally means it happens 2-3 times a year.
Some people truly do have zero situational awareness - which is easy for those of us who do to forget sometimes
I have very little situational awareness which is why I stay in the in of doors.
If there is one thing I'm not equipped to handle, it is situations. So I would simply rather not
the fact you know this makes you already way ahead of the game
You don’t want heightened situational awareness I promise you, lol. Being hypervigilant all the time sucks lol
I need a little more I'm pretty sure in retrospect I nearly got myself shot on my way back from knocking doors for a registration drive.
Horseshoes and hand grenades
Well. You’re welcome to come shadow me one day lolol
My wife, who grew up in Detroit proper, has Opinions on my survivability.
That’s okay. We need people who can like, hold the country together doing numbers and data and other necessary things
thank you for doing that! I used to when I was healthier and could walk the hills in SF
I want to be very clear, when I possibly nearly got myself killed I was a little brave and charitable and *a lot* stupid and unthinking.
I don't want you to get killed, just thanked you for registering voters! I assume you are not going to be "stupid" after learning that lesson.