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Likes to discuss food, the NBA, art, etc. Secretly doing important work that I won't discuss on here. I have opinions!
I still think this is one of the greatest episodes of tv of all time.
Make a band more vegetable: The Carrots
Make a band more vegetable: The Beet-52s
I saw a cybertruck parked in a grocery store parking lot yesterday and everyone circled around the driver like he was a celebrity. My faith in this country is understandably shaken.
Love to run out of propane in the middle of grilling on the 4th. God bless America.
Remember. Anyone arguing about politics on here tomorrow is a foreign agent.
Analysis by Aaron Blake | Biden’s campaign insists dropping out of the race is not on the table. But increasingly, what top Democrats appear to be saying is: Maybe he should. The subtext is clear — and it’s a marked contrast to how the Biden campaign is talking about this.
Analysis | A shift in how Democrats talk about Biden’s dropping The subtext of what leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn are saying is clear — and it’s a marked contrast to how the Biden campaign is talking about this.
Reposted byAvatar JoyousPanther
So did the press just not report on all the New Deal stuff in the 30s and 40s and only report on FDR's disabilities?
The United States if Biden gave sloppy late night calls to NYT reporters to bitch about staff gossip.
Reposted byAvatar JoyousPanther
Seems like it should be pretty easy for the Dems to simultaneously affirm Biden’s place at the top of the ticket *and* start getting Harris in front of the camera more ASAP to reinforce her competence & bona fides & send the message that you’re voting for both of them. What am I missing.
The worst thing that happened to Biden was that the NYT got that Harvard President fired and thought they were the ones that controlled the country.
We're literally in a fight to prevent a fascist takeover of our country and too many people are going "LOL. Look at these lame dipshits" about Democrats.
For people who claim they can do nothing about the crazy assholes who show up to their rallies and anyway they are on the right side so who cares if they do a little anti-Semitism, they sure do bring up this picture a lot of people on their side who were a little cringe.
When the revolution comes, I will be the steely eyed leader. But first, a week long hissy fit about a bad debate performance.
[one month from today] Opinion: Democratic nominee for President Kamala Harris must step down because of her weird laugh or some other bullshit
How many fucking opinion pieces do you have to run before you get that Biden isn't dropping out because you think he should? Maybe move on.
The Supreme Court is not saying that the President is an unaccountable king. They are saying that they are unaccountable kings.
Some folks are starting to get that Hillary losing thrill again.
Reposted byAvatar JoyousPanther
lots of bad vibes going around lately, what with the news, and i think it might help for people to review this information
Hey it’s that thing everyone said he should do. I’m sure people will be totally normal about this.
President Biden will deliver remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity decision tonight at 7:45 p.m. ET
Me, when I think about the ability of our media to accurately process and convey what happened today.
Me, when I think about the ability of our media to accurately process and convey what happened today.
For anyone thinking the GOP used to be better, half these assholes were appointed by the two Bushes.
It is time to dissolve the House of Representative and Supreme Court, in an official act of the Presidency.
I hope people don't think that being a white male or whatever will save you in a GOP authoritarian state.
Ok. Now all the conservative justices on the SC can get their legal bribes. I mean gratuities.