
1) general cognitive decline means this should be harder for him too 2) if all there is to see here needs notes to make decisions, I think the Resolute Desk is big enough
He was working off notes. You can hear the papers shuffling and he talks about reading a list of 7 Trump lies.
how is it that none of these people know how public speaking works
Notes do not replace knowledge! Bullshitting from notes would be harder! Well maybe not for high school policy debaters
(I did LD, disdaining policy debate is a charter requirement)
Hello fellow traveller! Ive softened now that I coach, but the worst is somehow worse than when I was a competitor
I was not a great debater but I became a pretty good coach (I am similarly a better editor than writer) and it's a very different perspective. Haven't done it in a couple years hopefully will pick it back up again if the kids get into it.
People who do extemp get to know the subject 15(?) minutes in advance and they get a notecard, right? Policy debaters research what common aff cases look like to prepare for being on neg! We got to prepare for whole varieties of absurd aff and neg cases!
My league has impromptu and extemp as two different events. In impromptu you don't get separate prep time and in extempt you get some number of minutes. 15 minutes, 30? It's been a while. Notecards were typical but some went completely without.
Of course the ones who went without were typically hypercompetitive type-As who were already better speakers than most litigators and almost all politicians below the national level.
Very good speakers. Very proud to have been part of their education, even in a limited way judging maybe a dozen rounds over their high school career. I would not trust them to run the country just because they talked fast good.
We got 30 when I was in high school but that was, coincidentally, 30 years ago. (Notecards were for novices.)
I didn't do extemp 23 years ago, so I was just guessing!
Do people seriously expect the president to do several public speaking engagements per week without notes or a teleprompter? That's fucking nuts.
As someone who is in court doing stuff in front of a judge every single day, of course I use notes! You'd be an fool not to.
When did Presidenting become a closed-book exam?
Slowly shoving the “I played to the extremely conservative judges” card beneath the desk
Public Forum is a lot more fun when your partner and you both lie through your teeth!
This ends with Stephen Miller as president in his own right