Lee Casebolt

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Lee Casebolt


Amateur historian, violence aficionado, not Masahiro Chono as far as you know. He/him
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Texas has been under GOP control for 25 years. Every single statewide office held by Republicans. Texas ranks last in quality of life, worst in health insurance. Power goes out often; people die of heat or cold. The infant death rate is rising; women die giving birth. These are features, not bugs.
Anger grows as some senior facilities left without power for days: ‘It’s horrible what the state of Texas is doing’ | CNNwww.cnn.com As Tina Kitzmiller sat inside her sweltering apartment, windows and doors open in the hope of catching even the slightest breeze, she was frustrated and worried for her dog and her neighbors.
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As a librarian, I share wrestling history. In terms of #wrestling historians, the Tragos/Thesz Hall of Fame recognizes excellence in wrestling journalism. From 2007, an article from Greg Oliver & Slam Wrestling about whom the award is named for, James Melby slamwrestling.net/index.php/20...
Noted historian James C. Melby diesslamwrestling.net The name James C. Melby would be familiar to any wrestling fan of a certain age. He wasn't a wrestler or manager or promoter, but instead was the editor of numerous magazines, the public face for The ...
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Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
Very weird Road House / Ratatouille crossover but I'd give it a shot.
The Bear but it’s about a huge bear on top of someone’s head helping him cook
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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well, Biden just called for term limits and an enforceable ethics code for SCOTUS and a constitutional amendment to end immunity for presidents and other officeholders so I guess its officially the public vs the Business Plot 2.0 at this point
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in F you have: Single digits: Too fucking cold teens: bundle up 20s: Heavy winter clothes 30s: Mid-weight winter clothes 40s: A coat 50s: A light jacket 60s: Shirt and pants 70s: Shirt and shorts 80s: Properly hot 90s: Hot hot
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Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Donald Trump wants to kill your kids in order to please anti-vaxxers
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Whatever you think of this policy, this is actual populism
unlocked "Biden will unveil a new plan in NV today to cap rental prices nationally, calling on Congress to pass a bill to give landlords the option to cap rent increases in existing units at 5% or risk losing fed tax breaks, while also repurposing fed land in NV to build affordable housing units."
Biden to unveil plan to cap rents as GOP convention beginswapo.st The policy plan comes as the president tries to assure Democrats about the viability of his candidacy.
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“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale. Screenshot for attribution
Probably Chuck Grassley?
Who is the most prominent, national embarrassment from your state? International entries welcome, and can be national or provincial as makes sense, follow your heart
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look to your left and find your trans friends and look to your right and find your winemoms and lock your fucking arms together and DO NOT LET THEM BREAK US, and we will fucking win, friends, there are more of us than them and do not let them forget it.
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A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
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they want and need everyone to believe that it is hopeless and that nothing matters and that nothing will ever get better, but, like, they’re wrong. they’re liars. they lie, depression lies, this whole thing is a fucking con to get you to think that submission is better than liberty.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
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sure. fuck these people. we do not have to agree with them. they are a minority. i am not going to spend the next four months cowering in dread and fear.
This is true, but I think maybe we should view both the assassination attempt/reaction and the Vance pick less as moves for electoral advantage and more solidifying the insane base for violence once Trump is electorally defeated.
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This is what AOC and Bernie get for sticking by Biden, and we can debate the policy, but this is a super-tangible win for the left side of the Democratic Party
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This is Sylvia Gonzalez. At age 72, she won an upset victory for city council after campaigning to oust the city manager. The mayor didn't like that. So he had her arrested & jailed. The Supreme Court is about to hear her case, which has largely gone unnoticed. A thread.
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Biden has done 3 live tv appearences related to the shooting since where he calls for unity. Trump has disappeared and done nothing. The resulting press coverage is covering an imaginary version of Trump as if he had said unity stuff. Like literally they are making up a fake guy to praise.
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
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Have we done this one yet
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If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
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She really said, “Retire, bitch.” (The “bitch” isn’t stated but is strongly implied.”
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's candidacywww.axios.com Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
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As a current attorney and former Muay Thai practitioner and general combat sport guy, can confirm. Might expand this thread in a bit.
A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
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You could call it ONE FALL
Someone should make a horror movie where you’re watching a live pro wrestling broadcast that is gradually disrupted by some kind of apocalyptic event in the world at large The promoter decides the show must go on, and the terrified wrestlers try to carry out their jobs while everything goes to shit
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And this is how fascism wins. It convinces moderates to stop using the correct language to name what our enemy is and make no mistake. Trump and the Republicans are a fascist anti-democratic enemy to every real American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law. Do not stay silent.
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Like yes he might very well win and we should all be aware of the extremely real dangerous possibility of that, but also he can be beaten and we should all be working toward that possibility I think, because him winning would be, to use a wonky technical political term, bad.