
Maybe we should be talking about credible allegations of Trump sexually assaulting twelve year olds with the assistance of Epstein!
seems like a thing a campaign could get up on a podium and point at
After the pee tape allegations these need a lot of substantiation before anyone will want run with this allegation
Who cares?? Genuinely, who cares about substantiation of those claims about Trump? Just go for it!
There’s a lot more evidence for the proposition that Trump sexually assaulted children on Epstein s island than there is for Biden’s supposed sundowning.
I'm convinced many Democratic politicians, advisors, and strategists internalized a high school teacher or college professor voice that continuously whispers "you have to show your work if you expect an A" when they were young, and never outgrew this
Fling that shit far and wide and hope it smears everyone in his circle.
People who don’t want to undermine their future credibility care. Trump has done enough awful things that are substantiated not to run with what amounts as best I can tell — perhaps you have more information — on a sole allegation without supporting evidence
If the roles were reversed, the Republicans would be talking about it nonstop. You can't win a game "playing by the rules" if the opponents are ignoring those same rules.
Yes. Bring it up in the next debate! Bring up every sordid fucking rumor.