
LOTS OF PEOPLE still need further proof that Trump is a monster. We should never shut up about it!
Yes, seen it... but we can do more than one thing at a time, and we really need no further proof that Trump's a monster. Kind of like discovering Hitler beat Eva Braun after discovering Auschwitz.
Didn't say shut up about it, and you can't seriously think that totally candidate destroying news will cost him a single vote? At this point? He's a convicted rapists, right?
Well, we’ve tried nothing, we’re out of ideas, and I guess we should start digging our own mass graves now!
Faine, all I'm saying is that politically, attacking trumps character isn't effective. There's lots of other things we can do, but we need a HEALTHY, SMART, ACTIVE CANDIDATE to make those cases. He couldn't even make the case for Roe, FFS, and that's a lay down hand. Economy, jobs, infrastructure.
Personally I prefer to spend my time talking shit about the rapist aspiring dictator pedo felon, not the guy we need to elect, but you do you
Like the time, ohh, yesterday that Trump may have had his "Loretta Lynch tarmac moment", but with one of Vlad's charmers?
The detail is that his plane was parked for two days next to a Russian govt plane, and the inference is that Trump can't be trusted because he's a traitor. In other words, nothing new. He's been a traitor for 30+ years. We know.
Dude, you have absolutely dire political instincts if you think it’s pointless to discuss the hideous things Trump does.
Trump approval ratings among GOP just doubled.
They only hate imaginary pedos.
I’ve been told by Very Serious People that it’s a nonstarter to discuss anything he said at the debate when we could be busy ratfucking instead
It's not pointless, but it's not 'the point' either. It's been done. The entire world knows who and what a monster he is... yet there he stands. So the question is 'has it worked'? They know, but now they need a repository of their trust, a person who is NOT Trump AND a viable candidate.