Jeremy Sinclair #ฺNET

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Jeremy Sinclair #ฺNET

#BlackTechSky's anime obsessed, #ADHD cursed, super enthusiastic .NET Dev

#WindowsInsider #WIMVP, Windows Dev #MVP, #WindowsOnArm ❤️ @dotnetfdn member
C# 13 in the preview allows using ref variables in async and iterator methods. Before C# 13, the code from the sample doesn't compile. You can use ref locals in these methods, but you still cannot access them across await and yield boundaries because doing so is unsafe.
Pennsylvania, I was originally irritated with your lack of driving skills, now I'm just disappointed. This is where I welcome every horrible baked bean image that can be conjured.
📦 v21.21.0 Bug Fixes * progress: do not escape sequence * upgrade: stop progress before exit Features * transient: allow setting a newline #oh-my-posh #oss #cli #opensource
The best release yet 🚀 v21.21.0
Don’t forget your five fruits and vegetables a day
Happy Birthday to the #1 country in the world for 1776 years 🇺🇸🦅
“Muted by fascism supporters” lol 🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅 the country that beat fascism 🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅
If I have to suffer, the rest of you do
Well no, this is
Hmmm so I've had 7 random brand new accounts with 0 followers, follow me in the past few hours. Has the bot spam commenced over here?
I was happy to find recently that wxWindows, a cross-plat GUI toolkit, already has ARM64 Windows support and I'm contributing some build system improvements around it, including ARM64EC logic.
This is your reminder to port your damn apps to Windows Arm64.
This is your reminder to port your damn apps to Windows Arm64.
Creating consistent healthy habits is the secret to managing your ADHD and is also impossible.
Alright, Quiet Posters seems to be the feed that shows me what I want to see on here. My entire following feed is politics, more politics, and even more politics, mixed with some shitposts about politics lol.
Avatar has been slacking on his trolling of me. It used to be so much better on X. Will he be able to recreate it on here? 🤔.
Kickin it with Dad. Now y'all see where I get it from? 😅
NEWS Judge Strikes Down Florida’s Ban on Transgender Care for Minors A federal judge ruled that Florida could not “prohibit transgender minors from receiving specific kinds of widely accepted gender-affirming medical care.”
Judge Strikes Down Florida’s Ban on Transgender Care for A federal judge ruled that Florida could not “prohibit transgender minors from receiving specific kinds of widely accepted gender-affirming medical care.”
I know I have like two followers, but Jeremy is worth a follow! He works on .NET software and deals with all of the many depths of SharePoint. We share an interest in the ARM64 Windows ecosystem, including open source work. Consider saying hi!
Blueskyyyyy, hi. Give me tons of interactions and I'll be on here more.
This......This might be *THE* selling point!
Extreme user extensibility, like Bluesky is doing, emergently realizes people's wants and needs in a way top-down just can't. Other networks wouldn't even think to protect you from beans.
Blueskyyyyy, hi. Give me tons of interactions and I'll be on here more.
Happy 1 year of the Blacksky feed 🎈. Thanks for 10M views. Thanks for the 100K people who've used the feed. Thanks to the thousands who use the feeds daily. Thanks to the people who share the feed. Even thankful for the press mentions (as long as you spelled the name right). Shout out to y'all.
Launch Blacksky · bluesky-social/
this was a mistake
En route to Seattle. I'm on an Alaska Airlines flight with a 737-MAX. Wish me luck pls lmao
While we're on the subject - the on-prem *Active Directory* Product Team is hiring another Program Manager! Do you have AD & PM skills? Want to join us in our journey to keep AD protected & productive for our enterprise customers? Here's the job req!
Search Jobs | Microsoft
Almost time for Tim McGraw! And yes.... I'm the only one I've spotted thus far 😂