Robin Marwick

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Robin Marwick

Freelance medical editor, alto, occasional traveller, trying to make things better. The pup is Bunty, an Airedale terrier. She/her. Toronto.
Time for a social media fast. I will miss you all! See you in a month or so!
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I don’t have a shop right now, but my adventures can be followed either here or Instagram. (I made the skull quilt and the two “Fuck.” quilts.)
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Reposted byAvatar Robin Marwick
$5801 is what this stunner by went for--and I had gauged it at $6K! I WAS REALLY CLOSE!!! For and DEMOCRACY!
Have you followed along the bidding saga of Skull Quilt? It's a lot of fun! I started it off at $65 at 8:01 am ct and lookit now!!!
Sweet Dreams Auction item 'Sweet Dreams quilt' hosted online at 32auctions.
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Alright, crafters of #RomancingTheVote, drop links to your shops in the replies! Let’s support our amazing donors & keep that auction joy alive (especially if we missed items *shakes hand at sky*)
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I was going to wait, but since I've got the livestream up and running, I figured I'd share the fun. Head over to youtube and you, too, can watch the bidstream live as the knives come out and the friendships are shattered. Less than 3 hours to go!
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my landing page teardown auction is currently sitting at only $803… with 100% going to nonprofit orgs that help voters with paperwork, legal challenges, even rides to the polls… if you were to buy this package directly, in the normal fashion, it's $2500! so go bid bid bid 👀
Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Auction item 'Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Hoy' hosted online at 32auctions.
Reposted byAvatar Robin Marwick
This is the best worst skeet you'll read all day
I went to the dentist & she had a screen above chair w/Netflix, which suggested Bridgerton & I thought why not check it out and WHY DID NONE OF YOU WARN ME THAT THERE WOULD BE A TEN MINUTE LONG STEAMY & DETAILED SEX SCENE RIGHT AT THE TOP THAT I WOULD HAVE TO WATCH WHILE SHE DRILLED MY TEETH
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There's a bakery up the street from me where they saw my email on an order and started drawing tubas on the bags. So I saved em for a year and made a collage for them. Which they then hung up and curated like a museum piece. I love em there and they're always happy to see me ❤️
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More importantly: We are now less than three hours from the end of the 2024 Romancing the Vote auction! Will we get to $950,000 total raised over three years? We'll find out soon!
Login | Free Online Silent Auction Fundraisers | Host, manage, and participate in silent auction fundraiser events.
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Christ the reading comprehension on this site is bad today
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Chemistree ⚛️🧪
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Looking at #RomancingtheVote current stats and you can still talk to acclaimed and groundbreaking romance author Beverly Jenkins for $250, but her annotated book is clocking in at $1300? Seems like it should be the other way? #Romancelandia
Chat with Ms. Auction item 'Chat with Ms. Bev' hosted online at 32auctions.
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A useful clue about something that’s going on is that the DUP pro-Brexit vote in NI has now also split. Of course NI really is on the pointy end of Brexit and the issues aren’t all the same. But still, that would support the idea that it’s at least partly a More Brexit vote.
It’s really annoying me actually how little analysis of the Reform vote there is. Are they young very online voters? Are they old ECJ-hating voters? Are they deprived voters on poverty? Wealthier voters angry about benefits? I want the facts.
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Through my childhood, on election nights, my dad was the man under Peter Snow’s desk putting interesting facts on notecards into his socks. That’s how it was done before Google, kids. You got a very clever ASD man with some Oxford degrees to just remember interesting constituency histories.
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Dottie undefined Baby female Mixed Breed Adoptable from New Hope Dog Rescue (Saskatoon, SK)
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There are some things that still unite people on social media. #UKElection
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Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
Is this a normal amount of time to count ballots? I feel like it’s usually faster in Canada, despite somewhat larger populations per constituency. (Or maybe I’m out to lunch.)
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The best thing about British democracy is when the actual head of government has to stand in a leisure centre at 5 am beside a guy with a bin on his head to find out if he still has a job.
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with an additional yay that the PM had to stand on stage with count binface
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Fuck you, fuck you, Rees Mogg, thieving misogynist hedge fund stale bread stick of a man. Fuck you.
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Just want to make sure everyone sees this also
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
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My fav finalist from the coin-a-word contest has to be "regrediting" ("work that an editor is completing at 2am while regretting having agreed to the budget and deadline"). Too many late night/early mornings, and I'm just learning now how to say no to tempting projects.
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120 slots claimed! we sold out while I was with my family watching the annual Oregon coast 4th of July wiener dog races, our most cherished holiday tradition. $12,000 raised for Fair Fight and Vote Riders!!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING OMGGGGGGGG
Did you miss out on the grantwriting class with Claire Willett? Now's your chance. She's generously offered to add 20 more slots--and one additional class--for all our participants.
Grantwriting Master Auction item 'Grantwriting Master Class' hosted online at 32auctions.
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Reminder that this is the one day a year Downing Street is under sensible authority.
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"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
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On this 4th of July, let us remember the absolute, incredible luck of humanity that, against all odds, the Alien mothership was Mac compatible.