Claire Hummel

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Claire Hummel

Lead Visual Designer at Cyan. Recently did stuff for Half-Life: Alyx, Westworld VR, Mondo. Draws a lot of rocks and historical fashion | |
Very spontaneous double feature of Cats: The Jellicle Ball and Oh, Mary! For my birthday weekend, zero regrets 😎
I'll share the actual work I did for Riven at some point in the near future, but more importantly here are some of the ✨Bespoke Memes✨ I made for the team over the past eight months
My first 3D model, made after playing Riven (1997), and my latest, made for Riven (2024)
"this would do numbers on tumblr" I say staring at a post with 0 notes on tumblr
was thinking to myself "huh, I've never really drawn a ton of Fallout fanart over the years" but then I remembered H E R
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Inside me there are two wolves. This is not enough to control the deer population inside me, which is degrading the river ecology inside me. I’m attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this, but the ranchers inside me object, and
Realizing I never shared the obsessive little Myst island I made in ACNH:
Extremely excited to be on a panel at GDC this afternoon with the amazing,,, and ! We're going to be talking about being an art director in the games industry, from indie to AAA:
Sometimes you just gotta buy a dumb little thing ♥️
Back in college my friends and I had a Valentine's Day tradition where we'd all make valentines for each other from our respective fictional crushes, Secret Santa style, and it RULED💘💘💘 (Benry valentine courtesy of my buddy Kate Walsh)
someone reposted my Good Omens art on tiktok and I was just gonna let it slide, but then they blocked me so now I'm obligated to make their life hell 😌
accidentally bust open your fountain pens and become the Myst protagonist you want to see in the world
every time I have to go to """Max""" I type in or first just to punish them for their sins and force them to keep all of their old domains on life support
extremely excited to announce my new 30th Anniversary poster for Myst, available over at 📚 This imagery has been indelibly inscribed on the inside of my eyelids since I was a kid, so it was an absolute joy bringing it to life in a more official capacity:
Heard the phrase “Daddy needs to go to guest services” at Disneyland yesterday and I can’t get it out of my head
I’ll never forgive the pandemic for robbing me of this during development on Half-Life: Alyx
Friday was my last day at Valve. Leaving a job full of people and projects you love is always hard, but I have a pretty good reason for it this time around: Next Monday is my first day at Cyan.
if you lose your kid in the Bellevue mall, don’t worry, this skeleton in repose has got you covered I guess
"thankee sai" so effortlessly entered my vernacular during my Dark Tower phase in college that it now slips out in extremely serious and professional settings and I worry people think I'm having a stroke
Everyone saw Crowley dressed up as Nanny Ashtoreth in Good Omens and wondered what she'd look like as a mid-century pinup, right, all of us, not just me
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
- Gavin Volure leaving one chair empty to represent our unfulfilled hopes and dreams - "How dare you say such things so close to the statue of Santa Lucia, patron saint of judgmental statues" - "Dammit Johnny you know I love my big beef and cheddar" - literally anything with Jackie Jormp-Jomp
what are some 30 rock jokes that will stick with you forever?
I missed Rare Books LA last weekend when I was out of town, and now I’m missing the Seattle Antiquarian Book Fair this weekend because I’m back home in LA truly the Old Book Gods have forsaken me and I’m SO GRUMPY about it
love to see this completely useless number
I have a feeling that beneath the little halo on your noble head There lies a thought or two the devil might be interested to know You're like the finish of a novel that I'll finally have to take to bed You fascinate me
Have a whole thing I want to finish but I have to go camping in the desert for a week (very biblical of me) with no cell reception so I’ll just leave you with a tease
Don't think I ever shared the cover art I did for Forrest Byrnes: Up In Smoke on the Playdate last year, styled to look like a USFS-sanctioned NES game:
posting WIP ankle shots for new followers like I'm a peep show machine from the 1890's
(Re-sharing in honor of new OFMD in less than a month) …Could be arranged.🖤🏴‍☠️
(Re-sharing in honor of new OFMD in less than a month) Hey... Do you want to do something weird?👀