Francis Gasparini

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Francis Gasparini

Writer, reader, gardener. Having a good time. "Wise Up," the book I co-wrote, is available here:
Back in NYC, having a bite at the bar. Started bucketing outside. Bartender asked if I wanted another glass of wine. I looked out the window at the rain and upon my emphatic yes she gave me a fantastic pour. Love this city.
The single greatest threat to sharks, by far, so much that there’s not really a number 2 threat, is unsustainable overfishing. The single most effective thing folks can do to help is don’t buy unsustainable seafood. Notice I didn’t say give up all seafood. Sustainable seafood is great.
What is something a common ordinary person can do to help shark conservation? Any things to avoid buying, or any places to donate to that are good places? I'm landlocked so actually being on the coast doesn't help. :(
Cave painting discovered in Indonesia is oldest known narrative artwork ever made by human hands, dating back more than 51,000 years, researchers say: 🧪👩‍🎨🎨
World's oldest artwork discovered in Indonesian It may not look like much—just a flaking image of three people around a big red pig.
not a ringing endorsement, tbqh
If you live in CA, both Butler and Padilla are on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Make time to call today. Then set a reminder in your phone to call again later this week. Then tell three friends to do the same.
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
Muting the word B*den until every one of you puts down the phone and spends the next week pounding frosty gold sodas and grilling.
Charcoal's crazy, man. You can cook meat with it, filter whiskey with it, and draw nude people with it. And all it costs is harvesting the wreckage of your neighbor's house you burned down.
Don’t get too comfortable ladies it’s only honorary
Senior year I took a course in the mystery novel pass/fail and very nearly managed a fail, which I probably deserved
I was on track for a c in symbolic logic and decided to just take it pass/fail--which you could do for a single class in your major over four years never regretted it, that class sucked. word math. ugh
Reposting this because I was asked
Inside me there are two wolves. This is not enough to control the deer population inside me, which is degrading the river ecology inside me. I’m attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this, but the ranchers inside me object, and
Apparently one of my posts broke containment and became a minor hit on the Other Place which is weird
Today in there’s nothing new under the sun: In 1903 a white hotel worker became a right wing celebrity for being fired after refusing to make booker t washington’s bed because he was black and a bunch of people around the country raised thousands of dollars on her behalf
Apple Music “for you” just served me up the extended version of “Temple of Love” by the Sisters of Mercy…off a compilation album called 90s Running
The outfield wall ads are current companies but designed to look vintage. Cool touch.
Avatar took me a bit to get on this but I thought I should share our bougainvillea too:
This year I started a series of artworks influenced by Picasso. I've taken elements of his style and used it to focus on topics he didn't, mainly Black women, with some African influences thrown in too. You can see the rest on my Patreon:
Received a PS5 for Father’s Day! Took 15 minutes to load Last Of Us and now in the midst of a 40 minute update download. I JUST WANT TO SHOOT ZOMBIES
dog exhausted and demoralized by a walk in 70 degree weather
Reminder that you can search "from:me keyword" to search your own posts. Make sure you don't use a space after the colon. If you're searching anyone else, use the whole handle including the @, still no space. (Posting because I just had to look it up again and I forget every time.)
when i say i contain multitudes i mean i ate two different brands of hotdogs for dinner
User experience design pro tip: easily fix any confusing feature by adding a tooltip that explains the basic tenets of Stoic philosophy to your user.
That foreigners want to come to America, and that some of those foreigners are the best in the world at the things they do, and then because of that, America gets to be the best in the world at the things those immigrants do on behalf of everyone, is literally the super power part of the super power
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
For baseball fans: But soft! what wind/Through Yonder Alonso breaks?
but soft! what wind through yonder butthole breaks?