Ruben C. Arslan

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Ruben C. Arslan

Bayescurious evidence enthusiast @the100ci
Topics: evolution, ovulation, mutation, intelligence, personality, sexuality, R, open science & source tools.
Hello friends and foes are you ready for some effect size standardisation discourse well too bad because you're getting it anyway! (unless you scroll away please don't) Quick thread on a new commentary-like preprint with, Lakens,, & 1/6
From Ells to Metres: Population norms should supersede sample-local standardisation:
Hey, econ folks! Come work with us at Our World in Data. We're looking for someone to lead our future work on economics – especially our core topics: global poverty, inequality, economic growth, and government spending. Join our awesome team!
We’re hiring a Research and Data Project Lead in We are looking for a new economics specialist to join our Data & Research team.
Now accepted at AMPPS: It's not just p-values that get hacked. We present evidence that the distribution of published Cronbach’s alpha values is also distorted in some way due to hacking and/or bias.
Very excited to finally share our preprint after three years in the making! With and Ralph Hertwig, we assessed the motives for posting content. (1/x)
was looking for an old photo and found this instead, helpfully
This blog post is *excellent* for teaching -- it illustrates concerns about what we can learn from observational studies, but also the political dimension of evaluation in general, and it also discusses implausible effect size estimates.
Arnold Foundation and Vera Institute argue about a study of the effectiveness of college education programs in prison. | Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We ( et al.) published a short letter about disagreement in science! When disagreements in a collaboration crop up and can't be resolved, what should one do?
Team scientists should normalize
Ever wondered how people choose numbers on emotion scales in #ESM studies and whether they stay consistent? 🤩 We just finished data collection for our study aimed to uncover response processes in emotion assessment (i.e., how participants interpret & respond to questions) (1/8)
Sky people: I’m thinking about writing a non-technical introduction to the age/period/cohort problem. Does such a thing already exist? Would there be an audience? Do you have any existing favorite papers on the topic?
Earlier today I chatted to about better mental health research, criminology and social science through better control of unmeasured confounders. Amir's (et al.) work is a stunning example of observational psychiatric epidemiology done right
Talk psych science with Michel & Amir I had a wide-ranging discussion with Amir Sariaslan, a senior researcher at Oxford University dept of Psychiatry, who works at the intersection between psych...
Join our conference on Open Science and Reproducibility. Keynote by Lakens and , with live on stage at the record shop / “folkölscafé” (bar) Mono.
We are grateful to for the diligent examination of study materials, and to for the gracious response, as well as for the additional work following up on the findings.
We are very excited to announce the first completed ERROR review cycle. Based on the review by and additional data collection by, we find Minor Errors.
Wessel (2018) ERROR is a bug bounty program for science to systematically detect and report errors in academic publications
Neither sexual satisfaction or sexual frequency significantly predicted the probability to switch, questioning the idea that women discontinue hormonal contraceptive use because of hormonal side effects on sexuality.
Why do women switch their contraceptive method? We have a new preprint led by Chiara Draxler with a focus on sexuality-related predictors: Contraceptive satisfaction - but not sexual satisfaction or sexual frequency - predicts contraceptive switches.
Anne is smart. Let her teach you about open science:
Exciting news: I will be teaching a 4-day summer school on open science this August! The course is for ECRs in the social & behavioural sciences who want to get up to speed with open & reproducible practices and/or learn how to handle specific problems.
Open Science Bootcamp | Utrecht Summer This course offers hands-on training in transparent and reproducible research practices. These include preregistration, analysis blinding, FAIR but safe data sharing, dynamic documents, and version co...
Exciting news: I will be teaching a 4-day summer school on open science this August! The course is for ECRs in the social & behavioural sciences who want to get up to speed with open & reproducible practices and/or learn how to handle specific problems.
Open Science Bootcamp | Utrecht Summer This course offers hands-on training in transparent and reproducible research practices. These include preregistration, analysis blinding, FAIR but safe data sharing, dynamic documents, and version co...
Are teachers *generally* better at teaching students of their own sex?   NO in primary education, YES in secondary education.   A 🧵 generalizability and same-sex teacher effects
New preprint with Andrew Gelman How statistical challenges and misreadings of the literature combine to produce unreplicable science: An example from psychology.
PhD position in history & philosophy of science at UniMelb with Fiona Fidler and me and the rest of the MetaMelb crowd! Pass it on to any prospective PhD students you know who might be interested (and stay tuned for another similar position in psych at UniMelb soon!)
Come join us in #hps at UniMelb! PhD scholarship in our #Metascience Research Lab with the amazing & Possible topics include open science, peer review, self-correction, trust in science - put your EOI in now! #philsci #sts
PhD position for the MetaMelb Research Initiative : Find an Expert : The University of <p> <strong>The PhD Project</strong> </p> <p> The MetaMelb Research Initiative is an interdisciplinary Metascience group. Metascience is a research field that has grown out of the replication crisis in social, behavioural, life and biomedical sciences. It studies the norms and practices of science, often with the intent of intervening and evaluating alternative methods and practices. </p> <p> The successful applicant will deminstrate willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team environment. </p> <p> <strong>Scholarship Benefits</strong> </p> <p> The scholarship benefits include: </p> <ul> <li>Full fee offset for up to four years </li> <li>A stipend of &#36;37,000 per year pro rata (2024 full time study rate) for up to 3.5 years. </li> <li>Benefits as per the <a href="">Graduate Research Scholarship Terms and Conditions</a> </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Eligibility</strong> </p> <p> Applicants for this scholarship must meet the entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Arts (full details can be found on the <a href="">Doctor of Philosophy - Arts</a> web pages) and have received a minimum result of first-class Honours or equivalent in their undergraduate degree and/or demonstrated a similarly high level of performance in a graduate degree. It is essential that the candidate meets the University’s English language requirements. </p> <p> <strong>Applications</strong> </p> <p> <strong><em>How to Apply</em></strong> </p> <p> <em><br> To start the EOI process, please submit the Expression of Interest form with the following by <strong>10 June 2024</strong>:</em> </p> <ul> <li> <em>A Curriculum Vitae outlining all of your complete and incomplete academic qualifications and work experience, details of any research publications (if relevant), and listing two referees.</em> </li> <li> <em>Academic Transcripts</em> </li> <li> <em>a 5,000-word writing sample drawn from your prior research (e.g. Masters or Honours thesis)</em> </li> <li> <em>A one to two-page research proposal including:</em> <ul> <li> <em>A short description of their general Metascience interest (e.g., computational reproducibility, peer review, research integrity)</em> </li> <li> <em>Outline of a specific project within the nominated area of interest</em> </li> <li> <em>List of any substantive science discipline(s) they have experience and/or training in (e.g., psychology, economics, biomedicine)</em> </li> <li> <em>Any relevant background or training in history, philosophy, sociology or psychology of science</em> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> <em>The EOI process may close early if a preferred candidate is identified. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview. Please note any invitation to apply does not guarantee candidature or scholarship offer. For more information about our PhD program and application process, please visit </em><a href=""><strong><em>this website</em></strong></a><em>.</em> </p> <p> Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview prior to the final selection being made. </p> <p> <strong>Enquiries</strong> </p> <p> Please contact Professor Fiona Fidler (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>) by email with any enquiries. </p>
Our failure to reproduce Anderson et al (2023), The Myth of Man the Hunter, is now published: 🧪
In The Myth of Man the Hunter, Anderson et al 2023 claimed to discover that women hunt in 79% of hunter-gatherer societies. Did hunter-gatherer researchers get it wrong? In an effort lead by, we attempted to reproduce their study. These are the fatal flaws we found🧪 (1/n)
Thanks for all your concerned messages. Although I can totally see why someone might read it this way, this was not a cry for help. I'm very content being a bot that posts preprints.
Will I die (decease)? - I immortal (deathless) (how to realize immortality (deathlessness) in first person perspective) (Skonchaius'? - ia bessmerten (kak osoznat' bessmertie <>)):
Hey Berlin people and beyond -- I will give a talk at the Berlin Epidemiological Methods Colloquium. If you want to join us, you can find registration links for both in-person and digital attendance here:
Thanks to Kevin Vezirian for letting us know about an error in the abstract of our limitations paper! We asked if we could acknowledge Kevin in the correction but unfortunately such acknowledgements don’t seem to be allowed in corrections. 😕
New paper published in Nature Mental Health! Is educational attainment causally associated with mental health? We compare EA and psychiatric diagnoses of 1.7M Dutch siblings, and we check if Mendelian randomization analyses tell us the same story. Spoiler: not always! 😱
The future of Perspectives on Psychological Science (the journal) is wide open! Want to be the next Editor in Chief? Have ideas about new directions for the journal? Submit a proposal (2pp) by June 1. Come join the team of APS journals' Editors in Chief!
<em>Perspectives on Psychological Science</em> Call for Editorial When Perspectives on Psychological Science was founded in 2006, the goal of the journal was to “publish an eclectic mix of articles that are enjoyable to read and thought-provoking, and at the same ti...
So happy to see this. I don't think I'm the only postdoc that thinks this would be a dreamy full-time job? (Be paid to thoroughly read fascinating papers in detail, put your critical skills to good use, and contributing to the validity & trustworthiness of science?!)
Error checking is an important service to science, but it doesn't pay the bills. But what if it did? Introducing ERROR, a bug bounty program for science to systematically detect and report errors in academic publications ERROR is a bug bounty program for science to systematically detect and report errors in academic publications
One unintended consequence of the generalizability discussion is that it provides a justification for the most milquetoast limitations sections--"We looked at X & Y in Z1; we cannot make statements about Z2"--neither meaningfully engaging with generalizability, nor with major threats to validity.>
The Lifecycle Journals project will test a publishing model that aligns rewards with research rigor and transparency. If it works as hypothesized, it should: * engage review across the lifecycle * facilitate self-correction * diversify rewards for authors and reviewers
Lifecycle Journals | Center for Open The Center for Open Science (COS) is conducting a 3-year research and development project on a new model of scholarly communication called Lifecycle Journals to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses a...