Julia M. Rohrer

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Julia M. Rohrer


Well-being & personality psych
@UniLeipzig. I like all things science, beer, & puns. Even better when combined! Part of http://the100.ci, http://openscience-leipzig.org
lol only psychologists would feel compelled to add references to empirical studies and theoretical frameworks to support the claim that "it's plausible that health affects subjective well-being"
Hey, econ folks! Come work with us at Our World in Data. We're looking for someone to lead our future work on economics – especially our core topics: global poverty, inequality, economic growth, and government spending. Join our awesome team! ourworldindata.org/econ-project...
We’re hiring a Research and Data Project Lead in Economicsourworldindata.org We are looking for a new economics specialist to join our Data & Research team.
Dipping back into Twitter to lurk on assassination stuff and truly, from the bottom of my heart, unless you have massively curated lists, no one in media or politics should be microwaving their neurons on there.
One day you’re joking that literally every mom in your city wears the same Birkenstocks, but then the next day yours are gone because another mom (with slightly smaller feet) accidentally took yours at the indoor playground 😭
Q to phoneticians: what is a less "sketchy" way to introduce students to articulation other than the first couple of sentences from Lolita? 🤔
I come home to find this in our bathroom, and the justification my husband provides is “I was standing in front of the shelf and thought ‘I’m almost 40, might as well’”
I quite enjoyed this article about how TikTok impacts people's understanding of mental health, in particular the snippets from interviews with ADHD content creators. "'It starts on TikTok' — Looping Effects and The Impact of Social Media on Psychiatric Terms": muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/articl... >
The 2yo vocally demanding “Delicious protein! More protein” after I let him have some of my yoghurt mixed with protein powder counts as baby-led weaning, doesn’t it.
Just finished watching Lindsay Ellis’ “Yoko and The Beatles” which I very much enjoyed. I only knew Yoko Ono as essentially a trope, was very interesting to learn more about how The Beatles actually broke up (and how blaming women of powerful men is such a common theme) youtu.be/SMOABV_zgrk?...
Yoko and The Beatlesyoutu.be The reasons the Beatles broke up are extremely well documented and even at the height of their animosity none of the band ever blamed Yoko Ono for it - so wh...
Just finished reading a lecture by Charles Manski -- "Identification Problems in the Social Sciences and Everyday Life" (www.jstor.org/stable/10616...) and now I do feel like I should pay more attention to econometricians. Because this is very good.
Quick fix for one part of psychology’s underspecification crisis: Add a ‘target population’ subsection before the sample description
Me after learning about collider bias
Some quantitative psychology (longitudinal emphasis) positions available with me at Uni Zurich from September on, rebleets appreciated! Postdoc: jobs.uzh.ch/offene-stell... PhD: jobs.uzh.ch/offene-stell...
Just finished Thornton’s “Tits Up”, a book about…tits. Chapters on sex work, milk banks, plastic surgery, bra and swimwear design, and witches.>
This semester I taught matching for the very first time, so I had to look up a lot of stuff. Whenever I found an answer and thought “perfect, that’s exactly what I was looking for”, it turned out to be written by @noahgreifer.bsky.social 🙏
One thing that really resonated with me was the observation that high status people may be reluctant to take into consideration their “inferiors’” viewpoints, even if it actually puts them at a strategic disadvantage.>
Just finished Chwe’s “Jane Austen, Game Theorist) (h/t @scientificdiscovery.dev) which I very much enjoyed. The book explains how Austen essentially teaches game theory in her novels.>
Just finished Chwe’s “Jane Austen, Game Theorist) (h/t @scientificdiscovery.dev) which I very much enjoyed. The book explains how Austen essentially teaches game theory in her novels.>
Will start a single-issue party dedicated to better data visualization, slogan: "Real legends don't need legends"
An example in which substantive knowledge tells us all 3 types of effects exist: legwear. Clear age effects (rompers go down); clear period effect (barely any 70s jeans anymore); clear cohort effects (I like my jeans longer than my students bc that's how we wore them back when I was that age).>
Me finally starting the APC paper that I wasn’t sure I was going to write
Time for some facts
Me finally starting the APC paper that I wasn’t sure I was going to write
Accessing the HILDA data has suddenly made it very salient that I named my daughter after the Australian Data Archive.
‘Globally, cold deaths are 9 times higher than heat-related ones. In no region is this ratio less than 3, and in many, it’s over 10 times higher. Cold is more deadly than heat, even in the hottest parts of the world.’ Mindblowing from Our World in Data ourworldindata.org/part-one-how...
Stelle in Abteilung die auch an Meta-wissenschaftlichen Themen arbeitet! 👇
[100% Postdoc-Stelle Sozialpsychologie an der LMU München🌄] -- Noch drei Tage bis Bewerbungsschluss... ich freue mich auf eure/Ihre Bewerbungen!! job-portal.lmu.de/jobposting/7...
Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (m/w/d)job-portal.lmu.de
There's a special sense of humor in maintaining a panel with "longitudinal" in the name but making it impossible for users to download data from more than one time point at once.
As Europe ages, political power is increasingly concentrated among those aged 55 and older. This trend is evident in recent election results and is also becoming more apparent in the economic sphere. 🇪🇺📉 1/
Next week July 8 we will have the next online talk in the series on "motivated cognition", by Alexandra Cohen (Emory Univ.). Looking forward to it! Any interested scholars and researchers are welcome to join! @motcogmeet #cognition #motivation sites.google.com/view/motcogm...
Schedulesites.google.com Upcoming Talks
Tip: We aren't comparing the effect of the treatment (tx) to the effect of placebo. We are *defining* the effect as the *difference* in outcome between those allocated to standard of care (SoC) + tx to those allocated to SoC + placebo, where placebo is used for blinding.