
18 U.S.C. § 472 makes it a federal crime to pass counterfeit currency.
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
What jurisdiction can charge him? And is a tiktok enough evidence to be convicted or do I have to go pose as an unhoused person with a hidden cam?
Secret Service could easily set up a sting operation where this guy lives.
I am curious about that too. I wonder if you could find the location where he is claiming to do this and start interviewing shop keepers and the unhoused to see if anything turns up or if they have the counterfeit bills still.
I'm torn. This sounds like the kind of thing he'd be more likely to make up for TikTok than actually do, but if you're going to be dumb enough to admit to a federal crime while trying to be performatively cruel, should I hope he gets indicted just on principle?
he should be charged and processed - prints and mug shot. then let a prosecutor decide whether to pursue the charges. these are the sort of douchebags a MAGA girl can find on his dating website.
I’m sure it’s film money. You can order it on Amazon. It’s clearly marked noncurrency “for film use only” but then trying to actually buy something would then proc a crime.
But SCOTUS just ruled rich white guys have absolute legal immunity.
It doesn't matter, he's lying, they lie as a vice signal.
So shouldn't he be arrested for distributing counterfeit money ?! I do really some of these " humans" alot.
What a fricking 🍕 💩! If it’s true he should be arrested!!