
It's not often I see something that makes me audibly say "wow."
Also masterful diplomacy by Hamas. If Israel says "yes", Bibi loses his government. If Israel says "no" it loses a ton of global support, including from the US.
Question out of ignorance - is that calculation really likely to be on Hamas' mind? If that's the motivation, I feel like they could have made this same strategic play at a lot of different points over the past 6 months.
I think the current deal is the best they could hope for, and the masterful diplomacy I referred to is making it seem like they are going to accept it without accepting it, getting Bibi nervous and making stupid statements, getting Israelis to the streets, and then actually accepting it.
Seems like Bibi's threats re: Rafah blew up on him. Because Hamas could have done this ages ago. But maybe they feared the invasion. So now they have.