Omri Marian

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Omri Marian

Family guy. Acting dad. Tax law professor. Backpacker. Beer snob. Israeli expat in SoCal.
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Ohmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv, Ukraine. 2024.07.08. (Thomas Peter/Reuters).
Norway, you're pretty.
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If you compare Hamas to Nelson Mandela you're so off, I wouldn't know where to start.
Why aren't all the cast members of our cruise on Broadway?
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It's depressing and infuriating how long we've had to pretend that Bibi is some sort of Great Man of History, rather than an obvious criminal whose every move is determined entirely by his short-term interests, with zero regard for anyone else on Earth.
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There are some broad points of clarity that have emerged from the French legislative elections, but much more uncertainty about the practical impact. I'll start with the points of clarity. 1. The front républicain is still viable, but it is much more febrile than even two years ago. 🧵
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If all hostages were returned today and Bibi was not PM the war would absolutely end.
You see, folks, it doesn't matter if you want to replace Bibi, unless you want to replace him for the same reason I WANT to replace him.
If all the hostages were returned today that would not end the war because the underlying causes; apartheid policies not only would remain but would continue apace. I've been hearing that most Israelis despise Bibi for years now, yet there he remains in power so what are we to make of that?
Most of Israel is clearly NOT happy to go along with Bibi, as shown in every single poll since 10/7, and in the mass anti-government protests over the past several weeks.
War is the only way the war criminal can keep power and to be fair most of Israel seems happy enough to go along with his evil lunacy.
כל עד נתניהו ראש ממשלה, החטופים לא יחזרו.
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The lesson that we Americans must learn from France is this: You GO OUT, VOTE IN LARGE NUMBERS, VOTE STRATEGICALLY, VOTE WITH BRAIN, YOU SUCCEED & WIN! Period. End of story. Is the French Left-wing coalition perfect? No, by a mile, but it’s a HELL OF LOT BETTER than the Neo-Nazis in suits & ties.
#France: The coalition of Left did very well. I predicted they’d become the 2nd largest group in the parliament, I was wrong. They are the 1st group now with between 172-192 seats. It’s a cohabitation scenario, & Macron will have to share power with NFP. Big question: will Mélenchon be the next PM?
I hear France is a beautiful country.
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If the actions of individual settlers against Palestinians are defined as terrorism, it is impossible to avoid labeling the government that protects them as a government that supports terrorism | Opinion | Zvi Bar'el
Opinion | Israeli settler terrorism is state terror against ***
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Getting close. 🤞🏼 Hamas says it dropped demand 🇮🇱 vow up-front to end war, but wants mediators’ guarantees Hamas official says it still seeks commitments from interlocutors that fighting won’t be resumed and negotiations will cont until perm ceasefire reached
Hamas says it dropped demand Israel vow up-front to end war, but wants mediators’ Official in terror group says it still seeks commitments from interlocutors that fighting won’t be resumed and negotiations will continue until permanent ceasefire reached
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The Constitution actually has a really tried and tested mechanism for dealing with presidents dropping dead on the job. Or even before they've really started it. You know what it's having a hard time with? Would-be autocrats no one seems to be willing to rein in
I mean, Trump is an insane felon rapist and a lot of people still voted for him. There’s no rule that says we have to honorably give a shit about if our candidate comes off as slightly addled, especially when we’ve got a perfectly good VP who can take over as soon as he makes it past the post.
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"Facts are being created on the ground [in Gaza] that perpetuate IDF's presence and infrastructure is being developed for future civilian settlement – exactly like in the West Bank after 1967." You have been warned.
Editorial | Israel cannot reoccupy and Judaize the Gaza ***
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Labour won decisively by playing to 2024 conditions. It shifted to the right, took advantage of Conservative implosion and division. It told its left leaning urban constituency - young voters and ethnic minorities - to get lost, and gambled correctly that losses in urban areas won't matter. 1/
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נהרגים סתם. על קדושת הביבי.
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That generals understand that a ceasefire -- rather than continued bloodshed, induced famine, etc., -- is in their self-interest shows how clearly the continuation of the war is a combination of Netanyahu's self-preservation and the settlers' maximalism.
Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Israel’s military leadership wants a cease-fire with Hamas in case a bigger war breaks out in Lebanon, security officials say. It has also concluded that a truce would be the swiftest way to free host...
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This is the accelerated process of de-facto annexation turned up to 11 by Smotrich and his allies in this government
Under the pretext of "protecting archaeological sites", and contrary to the Oslo accords, the Israeli govt effectively revoked Palestinian planning in Area B (22% of the West Bank). Israel already has full planning control over Area C (60%), leaving Palestinians with only 18% of West Bank (Area A).
I spent the last three days in London, and, if I didn't already know, I would have had no idea it's election day today.
Happy last Independence Day, everyone.
Actual conversation with a tube employee (TE) in London yesterday. Me: is the tube schedule affected in any way by election day tomorrow? TE: it is not an election day tomorrow. Me: Ehh... Are you sure? TE to fellow employee: is it an election day tomorrow? FE: Yes. TE to me: well, I guess not.