Carla Schroder

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Carla Schroder

Yes, it me. Talk to me. Writing, woodworking, farming, visual arts, bad puns, critters, music, silliness.
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
Happy Boxing Day to all who celebrate.
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
80s moms watching their kids open Christmas presents
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
After I took this photo, they pushed me around a bit and nicked my lunch money #proofOfCat(s)
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
This is the real reason Tuberville is blocking military confirmations. It’s not because of abortion. It’s because he wants to let Trump fill key command posts with loyalists. Democrats need to get Biden’s picks confirmed ASAP.
Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US. A legacy law gives him few Trump has not spelled out precisely how he might use the military during a second term, although he and his advisers suggest they would have wide latitude to call up units.
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
Oh, you like to support small businesses? Did you know that every author is a small business? You can support us by buying our books and/or talking about our books. It's that simple. Thanks!
Ya think? After trump tried to overthrow the government our brave news organizations are still chickenshits.
When the almost certain nominee of a major party is promising to DEPLOY THE MILITARY TO CRUSH POLITICAL DISSENT, the headline describing it ought to go further than "Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US"
Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US. A legacy law gives him few Trump has not spelled out precisely how he might use the military during a second term, although he and his advisers suggest they would have wide latitude to call up units.
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
This week’s Just for Xeets and Giggles is out! Have a great rest of your holiday weekend!
Really, friends, why is anyone surprised that conservatism is white supremacist fascism? It always has been. The only times we see anything resembling political bipartisanship are when the "left" goes along with the right's white supremacist policies, and does not fight them.
sigh...commentary on Israel/Hamas news is all "These people and locations should not be targets in war! And legit targets should not be killed in this fashion!!" Dear ones, nobody & nothing should be a target in war. We spend trillions on war, & crumbs for peace. No wonder we always have war.
Honestly, when someone says "Honestly (bla whatever)" I think they're admitting they lie most of the time.
Zomg check out my profile: 4 followers 8 following 16 posts. It's full of mafs! All divisible by 2 and 4. It is a geometric sequence. 4 is half of 8 and 8 is half of 16. 4+8+16=28. 28 is a perfect number, the sum of its proper divisors: 1+2+4+7+14=28. But wait, there is more!
So true.
dudes will make fun of women who are into astrology and then read shit like this
I should be out and about vigorously smiting mine enemies. But the sun is warm and the sleeping cats are not moving.
Totes annoying.
it is frankly SO annoying that the only way to get any writing done is to sit down and do it
Reposted byAvatar Carla Schroder
Oh god yes, THIS. It's one reason we set up the Internet Press Guild, long ago. Writers care about each other more than clients/publishers do.
The one way to fuck over your career as an author real quick is to think that other authors in your genre are your competition and not your COMMUNITY. In business, we are all in these trenches together. And a great way to isolate yourself is by treating other authors like competitors.
End of feed.