Gemma Rae

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Gemma Rae

Swamp Siren, Artist, Writer, Rabble (a)Rouser, MalContent Creator, Freelance Manic Cryptid Dream Thembo, AuDHD, 🤖✨️🌈🖖 Commie
Toasting myself in this 104 degree heat like a happy lil 🦎. If I wasn't so much of a swamp monster that 27% humidity still gives me nosebleeds while my Vegas friends wilt from the unconscionable moisture, I would spend so much more time here.
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Sidenote: Everyone in Vegas has boob jobs and they are all the BEST boob jobs I have ever seen. This place is a magic kingdom of giant, glorious titties. If I wasn't so assured of autoimmune fuckery from my 🗑 body, I would be inspired to up my own ante by several orders of magnitude.
Best of my trip to Vegas: walking thru a casino at 1am on a Sunday to get to a restaurant and watching the gogo dancers on pedestals bt gaming tables sneering w bored disdain as they shuffled arrhythmically to the music, looming sexy and apathetic above the crowds of "peaked in highschool" bros.
Sometimes I remember that I used to write things way more often. I miss when that part of myself felt more alive. I need some sort of creative jumpstart. Like, hook a car battery up to my nipples or brain or something.
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Orc Bard! Yesssss! Now, duel me! 🧌
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i love the Parisian response to their mayor announcing the day her and Macron were going to swim in The Seine to prove it was clean for the olympics. The French united to all poop in The Seine the day of & called it a "defecation flash mob". they turned the river brown. Macron rescheduled Imfao
Avatar says I'm a Bard! Okay, I can't play music or sing, but I make sexy photos, sexy art, sexy prose and poetry, and my Vicious Mockery does long term Psychic Damage, so I'll take it.
Me, re: my unfortunate attraction to men: "Pretty isn't a factor. He could have the face of 1920s boxer, but has to have style about it, no polos and new balances!" "So, steel mill agitator? Looks like he's fought a Pinkerton?" Me: "...goddammit. Yes. Exactly that."
The summer slow down is simmering, so I'm keeping my buns out while the sun's out to stay busy while I wait for work to materialize. These bookshelves are gonna be so pretty. #wagonwednesday 🌞🍑
When I was young & doing outcall, I'd have clients pick music. One guy put on Sinatra: Live At The Sands. Afterwards he told me he was a retired cop, and that I should be careful, there were dangerous people "out there". Yeah, dude, anyone who wants to nut to Sinatra live is obviously sus af.
I have NO problem applying content labels appropriately, but is me being grumpy about my own butt cheek *actually* sexually suggestive? I don't want to participate in this fearful, regressive cultural shift towards sexualizing all uncovered skin in all contexts!
Sexually Suggestive
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I have unrealistic expectations: I want affordable pants that fit my hips w/o a giant waistband gap, shorts that cover my ass cheeks, and yoga pants that don't give me epic 🐫toe. I'm sick of altering every piece of clothing I own for a decent fit. 😭 #thiccproblems
Can't have daddy issues if you didn't have a dad, right? But what about zaddy issues? Because I'm pretty sure Anthony Bourdain is personally responsiblefor the amount of line cooks I've dated.
Reposted byAvatar Gemma Rae
Isaac Nyaasimov:
1. A human may not inconvenience a cat or, through inaction, allow a cat to come to inconvenience.
I want some Demisexual conversion therapy. I'm tired of having to actually like someone to want to fuck them. It's way too much work. I just want to be a happy heartless thembo slut this summer. Just gotta get all the feelings fucked right outta me! That'll work, right? RIGHT?!
Today at work I was written by an indie auteur to spur character development of his self-insert protagonist experiencing quarter life crisis. Ok, I did tell him to quit his job, drop acid, & drive cross country to find himself. But I'm a degen AuDHD ho, what else was I supposed to say?!
Reposted byAvatar Gemma Rae
At the MalContent Mill today: Is there a sexual orientation that's just bright colors? Because that's me. You're a chromosexual! VS: What if someone only likes dull colors? TH: They're a chromophobe! 😤 I love these sexy nerds so much. 🤣
Celebrating International Whore's Day by FINALLY being caught up on bills from the last couple months! May was stressfully slow, but June already seems more hopeful. Fingers crossed for all of us. May your pockets be full of cash and your DMs empty of bullshit. 😘 #internationalsexworkersday #fbsm
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Reposted byAvatar Gemma Rae
i dont understand why everyone my age doesnt just retire, smoke weed, and let the kids run shit theyre already doing so much better with like no institutional power
I haven't drawn anything in ages, but I couldn't let #mermay end without at least a throwback, because I goddamn adore mermaids. This is a humpback whale opera singer and one of her many bedazzled admirers from an inktober long ago. #gaymergirl #watercolor #penandink #mermaids
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bonus Discworld QOTD, from The Last Continent “We put all our politicians in prison as soon as they’re elected. Don’t you?” “Why?” “It saves time.”
How do I know if I actually have a crush, or if I'm just horny and my AuDHD fuckbrain is glomming on to any fixation it can wring dopamine out of? Because it's fine if it's the latter, but if it's the former I'm gonna need someone to come crush my head with a cinderblock. 😃
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Ok its a rainy day and Im all cooped up lets plaaay a little game 😁💕 At 50 likes I'll post these uncensored. When THAT gets 100 likes I'll post the VIDEO on my OF (it's FREE to sub!!)! Links in bio, etc etc
I know it's dick anecdote, not dick data, but I've seen a lot of dicks, both professionally and personally, and I feel like a statistically significant number of the prettier ones have been on gingers. Have other people noticed this? Who is out here doing dick science?