
Matt Taibbi in 2010: Republicans pay homage to Rush Limbaugh, the Boss Hogg of the country club, with all the sweaty indignity of a chihuahua humping an ottoman Matt Taibbi in 2024: Never forget that the Deep State fired the first shot as you watch the light leave their eyes fellow patriots
What’s he up to now? He apparently wrote a whole article about how I am the secret core of the woke NBC News newsroom. This was a month or two after I’d quit, which he would’ve known if he did wiped the froth off his mouth long enough to make a single phone call. Anyway hope he gets some help.
Oh he said Trump’s conviction was “crossing the Rubicon” like Sean Davis or somebody
This is very much underselling his actual post, which was about Bannon not Trump, and which 100% scans as mocking conservatives until you see who made it. He’s even mixing metaphors like Friedman while bungling an academic reference lol
Oh yeah it’s so funny to be like this about a guy with a podcast.
It probably is telling of some previously unknown financial interest that Taibbi has, like Bannon and him have a patron in common
The really funny/weird thing is that none of them really cared about Peter Navarro going to prison for the same thing in March (I think he’s still there, not bothering to check), and he had a slightly better unsupported claim of executive privilege than the guy who got fired in 2017.
I wouldn't trust people like them to know what the Rubicon was. If they were talking about the River Styx, I'd probably give them the benefit of the doubt because I imagine they see that on their daily voyage to Hades for briefings.
He very clearly does not know who Thomas Hobbes is, beyond “political philosopher,” and definitely does not know what he stood for or where his metaphorical monster lives. Honestly unclear on whether Taibbi is a roundhead or a cavalier, or if Taibbi knows where he stands on absolute monarchy.
Don’t forget the “Hobbesian jungle” part that, as a teacher noted in red pen on a well-deserved F in high school “this in no way shows [he] read the text.”
Sean Davis is no longer a great comparison here, he started flashing red around six months ago and entered his second phase