
the key difference is that you can just make and sell a car without asking for anyone's permission, but utility scale wind and solar are subject to our endless lawsuit and veto-point ridden system of local control and approvals that the oil industry and allies has deftly used to block clean projects
Based on vibes, you might think US clean electricity goals are on track while the EV transition is stalling. A data-driven report finds the opposite to be true, as NYTimes reports + & I unpack on SHIFT KEY
pretty much the exact same reason that cars keep getting larger and nicer but housing keeps getting less affordable.
depressingly in many situations, the oil industry *in cooperation with* so-called "environmental" groups have blocked or delayed offshore wind projects and desert solar projects.
not to sound too conspiratorial but many of the "environmental" groups raise money from wealthy people who don't like their ocean views containing windmills or are themselves rooftop solar owners who hate that utility scale solar is degrading the value of their home installations.
Conspiracy theorists ruined conspiracies, man. Of course wealthy and connected people conspire together to sabotage others but they have to make it all about lizard people and the one world government.
Aren't all of the offshore farms so far away you can't even really see the windmills anyway?
i used to go to montauk regularly and the ones offshore there were *barely* visible only on exceptionally clear days and only if you stood on top of a cliff
Ha, I didn't even know they had any out there because I've never in my life noticed one.
Even if they were right up close, once again rich ppl’s taste is terrible. A big old windmill to break up the ocean, blades turning over the waves, nature and technological advance together, etc, could make for a great view. But they don’t wanna look at any human edifice they don’t own.
They're really neat, and we should paint 'em like pinwheels or something (we should also paint them so birds don't fly into them)
man, I miss when conspiracy theories were just "those people don't care about the environment, they're lying to protect their property" rather than "Hillary Clinton and the chupacabra are working with Beelzebub to eat babies"