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Cartoonist, Muppet Biologist, Supervillainous, Now Creating Huzzah!, NO AI, Open for Commissions - Contact me at zappit1234 AT gmail DOT com Discord: .zappit
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
Okay - this is what I’ve got. Halforums - a community I’ve been part of for over 10 years and where I’m a mod - wants to offer a safe place for trans users and allies.
To my trans friends who feel like this place is no longer for them, who feel abandoned by the cis, please don’t delete your accounts just yet. I’m working on something that might help and provide actual safety. Welcome to Halforums!
Okay - this is what I’ve got. Halforums - a community I’ve been part of for over 10 years and where I’m a mod - wants to offer a safe place for trans users and allies.
To my trans friends who feel like this place is no longer for them, who feel abandoned by the cis, please don’t delete your accounts just yet. I’m working on something that might help and provide actual safety. Welcome to Halforums!
To my trans friends who feel like this place is no longer for them, who feel abandoned by the cis, please don’t delete your accounts just yet. I’m working on something that might help and provide actual safety.
I’m taking my best friend to Disney World. It’s her favorite place and I honestly think that’s where we fall in love with each other.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
good morning bluesky it’s hard not to see what is happening around here but to all my trans and non-binary siblings, for what it’s worth, i love you❤️ stay vigilant and to the cis people out there; our existence is not an option. we are not fodder for your comfort. we are human fucking beings
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
For the record SWers on this app aren't getting the same engagement that they received a year ago, and the same goes for people posting MA. So while drama festers try to find time to boost SWers and MA posts.
Free Bill Free Bree Free Salty
I saw someone describe the Republican shooter as a “Never-Trumper,” and like, duh?
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
Anyone still ordering at Sticker Mule? Don’t!
Not seeing independents and moderates announcing they’re going Trump. Looks like the needle hasn’t moved much at all save that 1 point gain for Biden.
DEI = Donald’s Ear’s Icky
The shooter being a Republican gun lover puts the right in a tough position. Now if they do something, it immediately becomes a “Republican violence problem” or “Republican domestic terrorism problem.” They wanted it to be a liberal so badly so they could “retaliate.” They’re blue-balled.
For everyone worried right now just realize America has the attention span of a goldfish and this will be a footnote in a couple months.
RIP Benito you didn’t live long enough to capitalize on the diet craze and sell Mussoleani Cusinei dinners.
Fly Me to the Moon - surprisingly entertaining movie. Scarlett Johansson had a talent for accents.
Four now.
I am now six followers away from having to draw the next raunchy kitchen appliance.
Had some bad Burger King and now I support regicide even more.
I am now six followers away from having to draw the next raunchy kitchen appliance.
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
multiple trans women were abused by Sophie From Mars. Sophie is also trying to block anyone mentioning her past abusive behavior. direct link to her account so you can easily block:
Hawk Tuah girl is about to get a reality show. So - she was an industry plant, I guess?
UK - rejects far right France - rejects far right Iran - elects a moderate President There is a global pushback against the far right building.
Joey Chestnut at Ft. Bliss just now: 57 hot dogs in five and a half minutes.
I am playing Dungeon Keeper for the first time in almost two decades after finding it for two bucks on Steam. That opening music, man - takes me back.