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Cartoonist, Muppet Biologist, Supervillainous, Now Creating Huzzah!, NO AI, Open for Commissions - Contact me at zappit1234 AT gmail DOT com Discord: .zappit
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SIGH Guys please I need help I need help… god I’ve been ignored for so long. 25/600 C: NamjoonMoonie V: Mikrokosmochi Fées keep stacking up and I can’t move on without any of this… it’s been 3 months please allow me to move on from this time in my life…
Breaking this 600$ up… Could I get 78.00 for today? That’s to pay my overdue phone bill. CA: NamjoonMoonie VeMo: Mikrokosmochi
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
Please help this is the last day I’m going to ask because I soon need help with groceries
Also if anyone still wants to help out any with my sons birthday that’s soon 😅 I’m disabled and trying to give him a good birthday but this year has been financially really hard just keeping afloat. It would mean everything to me. Cashapp:$coffinmistr... PayPal:
Hawk Tuah girl is about to get a reality show. So - she was an industry plant, I guess?
UK - rejects far right France - rejects far right Iran - elects a moderate President There is a global pushback against the far right building.
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
hey hi happy fridayyy i am still trying to scrape up money for housing and i also have a $150 past due bill that's stressing me the fuck out if anyone has some xtra coins they wanna toss my way i would be super-duper grateful ♡ thank you link!!
Joey Chestnut at Ft. Bliss just now: 57 hot dogs in five and a half minutes.
I am playing Dungeon Keeper for the first time in almost two decades after finding it for two bucks on Steam. That opening music, man - takes me back.
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
Donate to help save,, and the rest of their family from the horror they’re facing every day in Gaza.
Donate to help save,, and the rest of their family from the horror they’re facing every day in Gaza.
If one person steps up and covers all this today, I’ll create a personalized piece each month for you for a year AND give you the copyrights to those pieces!
A hell of a lot of people deserved better than what they got on this site.
You know, when you’re a cis man and feel a need to insert yourself into the affairs of others - particularly those of trans people - maybe just fucking DON’T. It is not hard to be supportive AND know when it’s not your place to do shit.
I wish I could come up with a “Fuck you, guy” idea as wildly successful as the potato chip.
I had hoped to have my comic up and running again two weeks ago, but I’ll admit it - I’M BURNT OUT. It was a hard school year and this was an especially tough group of seventh graders.
So fun fact I discovered. Pepcid makes you anemic!
“It was beauty killed the beast.” What about that sword in your hand? “It’s a really beautiful sword.”
Donate to Coffin and I’ll make you some free art.
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Anytime you donate $40 or more to someone’s mutual aid, a Swer’s needs, or a GFM, tag this account or to get a free art commission.
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
Normally I’d wish people a happy Monday if they celebrate, but things haven’t been easy the last couple weeks here so instead I want to send love and well-wishes to those who really need it now.
You know the deal. Donate $40 or more and I’ll give you a FREE art commission! Harmonii’s a friend of mine, and she really needs the help right now.
I’m only just seeing what happened now and I wanna send love to I’ve known Bill since the Twitter days and he’s been a stand up guy for a long time, always trying to do the right thing.
Donate $40 or more to Illumi, and you can get a free pfp art piece from me!
No idea how I'm going to make this happen so shooting this into the internet void. Alternator went out and it's gonna be $650. Coupled with a broken dishwasher, broken toilet, and a broken tooth, this has about sent me over the edge. Any little bit helps. Paypal/Cashapp/Venmo all @illumidotme
Follow Friday can lead to Stalking Saturday, so be careful, friends.
Reposted byAvatar Zappit
Just had an hour long breakdown about how much I miss my fiancée, istg I'm this👌close to just trying to swim across the fucking ocean. I can't handle the stress of potential homelessness and the lack of income.... I haven't had a single stress free day since I got back from seeing her
One day I'll figure out why my account is slowly dying, but until then... Please please please please please please help me out so I can see my fiancée again and don't end up homeless or with my hellish parents 🥺🥺🥺
Help Melissa Escape the UK, organized by Melissa Hello, My name is Melissa and I'm a 24 year old trans women from the UK. UPDATE: From … Melissa Wheeler needs your support for Help Melissa Escape the UK
Gonna swallow batteries and see if I can make it vibrate.
Seven different kinds of microplastics were found in four out of five samples of penis tissue taken from five different men as part of a study published on Wednesday.
Microplastics discovered in human penises for the first time | Scientists have found microplastics in human penises for the first time, as concerns over their proliferation and its potential health effects continue to mount.