Jennifer Rose

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Jennifer Rose

I aspire to be basic, except for the pumpkin spice.

If you're not scared shitless, you're not paying attention.
Update: With the exception of a skybox at the top of the Arizona Republic's front page, Gannett-owned papers had absolutely NOTHING on what happened Saturday evening. The Lee papers, VERY few of which print Sundays, ran a big centerpiece across nearly all of its papers with minor variances.
Today we find out precisely which newspapers are putting their Sunday print editions to bed before 6 PM Eastern.
Today we find out precisely which newspapers are putting their Sunday print editions to bed before 6 PM Eastern.
I am proofing a caption that has five typos, including "tokes" for "takes" and "possession" for "position." 🫣
Reposted byAvatar Jennifer Rose
3) if I could have a cis female body, I would go for it in a heartbeat. Yeah, I'd have to start worrying about uterus issues, but there's be so much less psychological bullshit to deal with.
My therapist tried to show me how bad paying attention to my former employer is by role-playing someone "rubbing it in the face" of my "inner child." "LOOK AT THIS! LOOK AT IT! YOU COULDN'T DO WHAT THEY DID!" Me: That's not worse than what Mom did to me or I do to myself. I think it backfired.
The Washington Post let "woah" get into a longform story and I am feeling very stabby.
Reposted byAvatar Jennifer Rose
If tech billionaires are so worried about falling birth rates (🙄) they need to fund biotech so trans girls can get pregnant.
update: it burst overnight ow ow ow ow ow ow
Me: I'm going to double my walking time every day until this weight comes off. Blister the size and shape of New Jersey: lol get rekt
Me: I'm going to double my walking time every day until this weight comes off. Blister the size and shape of New Jersey: lol get rekt
Reposted byAvatar Jennifer Rose
"Correction: The parents of Maycnn Holub, age 5, operate Garden Oasis Farms. Her last name was misspelled Sunday." The LAST name was the problem? Parents, I beg you, please DO NOT do this shit. I guess it's pronounced "Mason". But you have doomed your child to a life of having to explain her name.
First autopay with my new rent cost went through. The system is now charging a "technology fee." That means instead of a 4.02% increase, it's a 4.33% increase. Maybe I'll go back to writing checks on principle.
I stepped on a scale for the first time after vacation. That was a mistake. ☹️😞
Iowa's governor: No, the children really do yearn for the mines. "What to most Iowans looks like a sensible option for kids is being treated as a sinister plot to force children back into the sweatshops, mines and factories of the late 1800s."
Kim Reynolds: Feds should use common sense. A job is a good thing for a Opinion: The Labor Department and the Register should relax and realize Iowa's sensible rules are good for kids, Kim Reynolds writes in an open letter
“Thank you sir.” Streak over at 3 instances, 0 consecutive days.
Yesterday I got two ma'ams and a "the gal behind you". That makes for the most consecutive times in a while, and only day I haven't been misgendered at least once this vacation.
Me attempting to give more than a cursory look to Bluesky after nine days
Yesterday I got two ma'ams and a "the gal behind you". That makes for the most consecutive times in a while, and only day I haven't been misgendered at least once this vacation.
Reposted byAvatar Jennifer Rose
Good Lord, Associated Press, do you have the D team working weekends?
Good Lord, Associated Press, do you have the D team working weekends?
Why is it that the higher end the hotel the worse the breakfast and WiFi connections?
Jim Davis is from Muncie of course, but this might be the only time a location appears in the series (aside from having four seasons and WBOR indicating east of the Mississippi River).
I know I have the palate of a child. But I’m tired of the food options at these conventions being some fancy chicken dish, a wrap with stuff I don’t eat, or vegetarian, and then watching salads I don’t touch become food waste. I just want a ham sandwich on the road and hot beef for supper.
Reposted byAvatar Jennifer Rose
If elected, I will ban all soccer teams in the US from using names that are not plural nouns or junk like “FC” or “SC” or “United.”
Why are conference rooms always [expletive deleted] FREEZING?!?