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somebody's always just about to put some kind of awful plan in motion
Autistic. Partner of
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
I'm handy, named Andy, and about to eat candy
i'm furious, uxurious, and down to get luxurious
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
clams are almost constantly clutching pearls
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
If you know, you know.
taking a fearless moral inventory of myself and finding out that i have 37 health potions and 22 bobby pins i'm never going to use
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
i'm furious, uxurious, and down to get luxurious
I'm unctuous, rambunctious, and down to get lunches
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
Doing a bit of research
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
going goblin mode (eating a ton of mushrooms and worshipping the moon)
hey gw the new skaven would be a great excuse to reprint the thanquol and boneripper books 🙂
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
me: i contain multitudes the multitudes:
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
Trans people deserve to live long enough to see old age 🏳️‍⚧️
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
more than anything right now i could really use some help affording a new phone and maybe buying sometyhing for dinner because i am so close to a breakdown and on my own and in desperate need of a hug
creature who had her phone stolen but is being really brave and hasnt cried about it yet
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the goblin i really want to read about
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
i should just remind everyone that the woman formerly known as amber heard now lives under a different name in spain. that’s how poorly things have gone for her. and she won the original civil trial in the UK! almost everyone forgets that
This is about believing women! You people are falling for the 'Amber Heard was no angel' shit all over again but you're using _my_ human rights as an excuse for misogyny this time. I do not like that!
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
I wouldn’t tell anyone I won the lottery but there would be signs (picture of me with gruesome welts from being stoned all over my face)
who has two thumbs and a full weekend off for the first time in weeks not me, as you can see i'm a skull but i am off this weekend
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today
You’ll never guess who just bombed a school
when i die i want to donate my body to computer science
when i die i wanna donate my body to science (food science) (lesbian cannibal chefs)
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
When survivors read these posts and see what happens when you go public with your abuse by a powerful man, they understand what they would have to endure if they come forward. This isn’t about you, or convincing you. This is about making it clear that there are people who believe women
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
Bringing this back around too because I have late fees for childcare that will cause me to lose my before and after school programs for my kids school year if not paid by August 1st
Hate going this route, but I'm panicking over this childcare bill. If I lose it, I'll either lose my job or have to quit my job and SW doesn't pay enough for me to survive. (Yes those are my kids in the pic, and the only time you'll see them here). 💕💸
Childcare Expenses, organized by Dani I'm Dani, a single mom, who has fallen behind massively on childcare payments. I don't qualify for chi… Dani Hofstad needs your support for Childcare Expenses
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
I think we can safely say the old man in a position of power is a rapist/abuser I don’t think we have to wait for trans inclusive people to come forward with information I think women who hate trans women still hate it when cis men rape and abuse cis women.
i was going to post 'is sleekit too on the nose for a skaven name' but i just searched on lexicanum and apparently it already is one lol
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
People really dont like being told they voted for the party they voted for. If you didn’t want to be thought of as having voting for transphobes you shouldn’t have voted for transphobes.
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
people like “Believe Women” as a concept a lot more than they like “Believe Women” as a practice
do not spell 'rhythm' or a bookworm will come
still can't spell "rhythm" on the first try
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
hey friends, pls help support Mohammed & his family as they attempt to seek refuge from the genocide our countries fund w/ our own taxes. boosting & contributing to their mutual aid efforts is literally the least we can do, so pls do so if you can💖
Finally, there is good news! 🥰With your help and support, we have raised enough to save the first member of my family, and we only need 2,874 more to save the second one, my little brother"Karam" .I couldn't have done it without your help. ⬇️Continuation of the speech⬇️ 🔗 #palestine
Help us save our lives and our future, and continue our educ, organized by Dalia Hello everyone, ‏I am Mohammad Mahisen, a young Pal… Dalia muhisen needs your support for Help us save our lives and our future, and continue our educ
Reposted byAvatar muad’dweeb
also yes if you will be squicked by seeing the rightful end awaiting fascists at the hands of the people, don't go look at what the people, in one of their most glorious hours, did to the guy who tried it with them for too long. and his friends, too. up there to keep him company.
warning: if you click this and scroll down, you will see a mangled corpse, and it will be disorienting because rather than feeling revulsion, you will feel something that can only be described as "hell yeah"