Joe Dunman

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Joe Dunman

Asst. Prof at Louisville Law (torts, writing, religion, employment)
Former: Managing Attorney @ Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, prof @ Morehead State, and lawyer for KY plaintiffs in Obergefell v Hodges.
I like heavy music. Mistakes are my own.
This is not journalism. “Expressing a sense” is not an objective assessment. It’s vibes. Just say who spoke and what they said. Don’t tell me how to feel about it.
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Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I wrote about the Louisiana Ten Commandments law and its obvious purpose to overrule a key—and highly vulnerable—establishment clause case.
Plucking Another Stone from the Wall of Louisiana’s deliberate effort to overrule a crucial First Amendment case.
I posted a post expressing an absolutist claim that was, upon review, a little too hyperbolic. It has been shitcanned.
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They love him because he is a click-driving, engagement-fueling spectacle. A freak show you can’t look away from. A legend in his own time. The ideal golden goose of ad-selling media.
To be fair, conservative law professors and political operatives have been calling Griswold "unsound" for a very long time. Clarence Thomas has (reportedly) had an anti-Griswold sign in his office the entire time he's been on the Court.
The World’s Most Obvious Con Man teams up with the World’s Second Most Obvious Con Man.
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Judge Cannon ruled that she was not bound by a Supreme Court case that expressly said the attorney general was authorized to appoint a special prosecutor.
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Judge Cannon has dismissed the classified documents charges against former president Trump because she said the special counsel was not properly appointed.
I am begging for a version of journalism that doesn’t include faux-literary “context” that is really just speculation, projection, and propaganda. Don’t paint me a vibrant picture of the scene. Don’t imagine the emotions of the crowd. Just tell me in direct and simple terms what happened.
Yesterday afternoon my wife and I sat on our porch and just watched it rain for a while. A breeze blew through the trees. Steam rose from the hot asphalt of our street. Our daughter started building her new giant Lego set in the other room. It was all very good.
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Kansas’ top court bolsters a state right to abortion and strikes down 2 anti-abortion laws. This is key because many patients in surrounding states with bans like Texas currently travel to Kansas for care
Kansas’ top court bolsters a state right to abortion and strikes down 2 anti-abortion The Kansas Supreme Court has reaffirmed its stance that the state constitution protects abortion access.
I'm not a credentials snob by any means (I went to state schools for heaven's sake), but all the anonymous cartoon character avatars are lucky that identifiable people with influential roles and positive accomplishments even try to engage them in good faith at all.
I suppose it is time to reveal the secret weapon: President Andy Beshear.
Topline is that other Democrats run even against Trump at this point. Under the hood, those who dislike both Biden and Trump shift to the Dem with other candidates.
In the 90s hardcore scene we were very concerned with whoever we perceived to be “sellouts” and I’m glad to see that obsession remains dominant in marginalized leftist spaces. We really changed the world by shaming good bands we agreed with for expanding their audiences.
The problem with abandoning the institutional table in a puritanical tantrum because you have to share it with doofuses and sociopaths is that whoever sits at the table gets to be in control and now the only people sitting there are doofuses and sociopaths.
Helpful guide to many of the prominent religious voices offering support and money to the Trump cult.
Christian Supremacy and U.S. Politics: An Interview With
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2. Project 2025 also wants to eliminate Title VII disparate-impact liability altogether
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Nature heals and/or kills.
Sure you’ll quickly die of rabies but at least you’ll reek of garlic when you do.
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“enjoy the camps” i will! anything is possible with a positive attitude. thanks
Writing for two straight months about insanity is driving me … to be ready to wrap this up. Nearly there. 26,000 of the very best words so far.
Justice Frankfurter with the jokes: “But this is a case for applying the canon of construction of the wag who said, when the legislative history is doubtful, go to the statute.” Greenwood v US, 350 US 366, 374 (1950).
Literally every symptom of our ruthless, cynical, scam-based economy is a glorious opportunity for another scam.
Burnout, a chronic workplace stress, is defined by the hallmarks of exhaustion, cynicism and ineffectuality, according to the WHO. Enter the burnout coach.
Seeing Workplace Misery, They Offer As chronic work stress climbs, entrepreneurs find opportunity in the burgeoning space of burnout coaching.
Add rational basis scrutiny to the obsolete legal doctrine junk pile I guess.
New: Trump-appointed Judge Mark Pittman in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon at home.
US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption.
I don’t think I’m stupid but of what value to voters are polls? I see how they’re useful to campaigns so they can shift strategies or resources. But as a voter, what do they do for me? They don’t affect my choice, they don’t help me know the candidates better. They’re not even reliable!
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