
This one from today exemplifies something I often see, and why I discourage arguing w/ dismissives on social media: it's the dehumanizing anonymity of the internet that allows people to say things like this. They never say this to my face, because then they'd have to acknowledge I'm a fellow human.
Since I had such a large sample (nearly a hundred), I analyzed X comments by category. 47% said climate wasn't changing, I was lying, ignorant, or not really a scientist 15% said I was in it for the $ 14% were insults Content warning: Please don't read the fine print if you're sensitive.
I know you're endlessly tough, but you're my hero and I hate that this happens to you.
this is my version of making cartoons about it ;) thank you!
Take heart from those of us who appreciate your work. There are probably many more of us.
Thanks for doing the work you do. I'm sorry that you have to endure this sort of vitriol.
Well, I guess we finally have the data to back it up. Denial really is the most common response to climate change on Twitter. Now the question remains: are they human or are they bots? 🤔
I have looked at that! I use BotDetector, and hand-searches. Some accounts score 50-70% on BD + have real photos + real-sounding names, but their followers 100% crypto-traders, lotto winners & lovely ladies which is a dead giveaway. Overall I'm currently at about 50-50 real/not real.
I can say anecdotally from my coworkers, denialism is the most common in the old. I have heard quote "I don't believe in global warming, and even if I did, we can't do anything about it because of India and China." Which I suppose is a way to absolve guilt over their children/grandchildren.
That real people have the same responses as bots is disappointing, but I’m not sure from which end.
Anecdotally I've noticed that this kind of thing is progressively jumping containment from the internet since Trump came along.
I agree. He significantly contributed towards legitimizing online trolling.
Anybody with a half decent grasp of physics understand that global warming is happening. The people who attack you are either a. lying, or b. their understanding of basic physics is zero. Their education failed them. Anyhoo, hugs from Spain.
Guessing that’s on Twitter? Some ppl 🤦‍♂️
What an absolute coward that person is.
But you make things "suite your cause", you're clearly a shill, right! God, i wish people weren't so stupid. So willfully ignorant and so full of hate.
they aren't stupid; but the rest is true in my experience, sadly.
Urgh. It's even more repellent that it's somebody who's educated enough to claim to attend a conference.
I suspect it was a talk I gave to community members at a local college in Alpine, TX. Not a conference.
I’m hoping it’s better over here?
oh yes. Check out the thread -- you'll see the difference in all respects!
The "suite her purpose" is just the icing on the crap cake I'm sorry that someone who spent as much time and money as you did learning things to help us dumb humans has to deal with the extremely dumb humans who I can only assume are like Highlander but instead of The Power you get The Dumb 🙏
Bleeurgh…those comments are outstandingly awful, what a grim bunch.