Hans Polak

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Hans Polak


Just a Dutch guy, living in Spain.
If you're a conspiracy terrorist: I do believe that the government keeps information from us. I don't believe, however, that a schmuck like you has access to state secrets.
What's a Nazi? I guess it's someone who: A. Is a nationalist. Someone who believes his/her country is the best in the world. B. Racist. Someone who thinks their ethnic group is superior to all other ethnic groups. C. Religious. Someone who believes in god(s). What do you think?
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The only thing I know right now is that there are too many guns
I've reluctantly decided to ignore the US election cycle. I mean, there's a Nazi fuhrer wannabe on one side, and people are focussed on the other old guy? What the fuck?
Actually, this is very simple. If you are against Nazis, and an American, you should vote for Biden. Easy-peasy.
"Funny" how, after the first debate, everybody said that Biden has been an excellent president, … as if he's as good as dead already. I've been saying for years that a dead macaque would be a better president than Trump. So Biden, the excellent president, should be a-okay. Right?
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After the second hottest June in US history, the burners aren't exactly being turned down this month. Las Vegas is having the hottest week in its history, and heat advisories now stretch from Boston to Birmingham. Many more records will fall. yaleclimateconnections.org/2024/07/reco...
Record heat engulfs both U.S. coasts » Yale Climate Connectionsyaleclimateconnections.org Historic heat will likely melt more records as this summer grinds onward.
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I don’t know who needs to hear this, but sharks absolutely get cancer. Even if sharks didn’t get cancer, eating shark wouldn’t cure your cancer any more than eating LeBron James would make you better at basketball. (Images of shark tumors from Andrew Fox, via a NBC News article)
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Earth's avg temp topped 1.5°C over the last 12 months. Does that mean we've passed the Paris goal? NO. The global avg must be above 1.5°C for over a decade for that to happen. So what DOES it mean? 1) we're that much closer, and 2) this (extreme) year will be merely an average year at 1.5C.
We've had 12 months of record-breaking global heat. How close are we to passing the 1.5 C limit? | CBC Newswww.cbc.ca The past 12 months have all surpassed 1.5 C above pre-industrial average temperatures, according to a new warning from the Copernicus climate research program. That isn't the same as breaching the 1.5 C limit set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement, but it's a major alarm that we're close.
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my friend asked the other day how i planned to cover the growing fascism here and i said “i guess continue writing about it til i’m sent to prison? lol” it was a flip thing to say but it’s hard to imagine ever stopping. or fleeing. i’m feeling not quite patriotic, but protective of this country.
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If you get into a fight in my mentions I will mute or block you and everyone who is fighting with you; please do not do it
I organized a short outing a while back. We left at the hour I predicted we'd leave (based on past experiences). We had some stops to pick up, and drop off, an acquaintance. When we arrived at the entrance of the museum, my alarm went off: "Time to visit the museum." My fiancée's jaw dropped.
I've been saying this for a long time now: A dead macaque would be a better president than the orange shit-gibbon. The first presidential term of the Sleeping Fart was bad, and he's prepared to make his second term worse. If I could, I would vote Biden. Vote against Nazis, people.
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If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
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Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
I correctly predicted that 2023 would be the hottest year in record, … thanks to my ignorance. This is a lesson in humility. I knew that El Niño would affect global temperatures. I did not know that actual scientists believed that the year after El Niño starts, the temps would peak. This year
Interesting" "suma cum laude" scientist using ad hominem attacks to discredit other scientists who disagree with her pet "theory". Confirmation bias is the bane of smart people. Anyhoo, 5G microwaves are harmless, … pending more research.
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Tonight I saw a good and decent man who may be past his prime, but has made great progress on a lot of issues I care about. And I saw a terrifying lying crazy person who would destroy a lot of things I care about, if not the country itself.
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Adding stats from the Netherlands to show how fast it can go even in a rainy northern country. In 2015 NL had almost no solar. In 2023 solar produced 21bn of the total 120bn kWh. Coal dropped 34% yoy: solar is cheaper. NL is now an electricity exporter. www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2...
People said Greenpeace was nuts in 2009 to predict 921GW of installed solar by 2030. Last year there was 1,419GW. Cost dropped 95% from 2008-20 and it’s dropping faster. There will be vast amounts of cheap clean energy in the future; we just need to use it. www.economist.com/interactive/...
Sun Machineswww.economist.com Solar, an energy source that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge
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Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
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Finally quit drinking for good. Now I drink for evil.
That time I "tried" to kick the cat. Our cat wanted to exit the apartment, and I didn't want her to. I told her "No!" but she tried to pass through my legs. That's when I blocked her rapidly with my legs. I didn't touch her, but she jumped clear over the sofa. Cats are fast.
A woman mindlessly repeated some antisemitic nonsense. Me: "That antisemitic nonsense." She: "That's what my history teacher said." Me: "Your antisemitic history teacher." She: "Why do you call her that?" Me: "When someone spouts antisemitic nonsense, it's because they're antisemites." Words
With great power comes great power bills.
My fiancée gave me some bloody useless information. She said: "For a healthy prostate, a man must ejaculate 21 times per month." Me: "Lend me a hand." She: "DIY" Bloody useless information.
Have you read the 2030 agenda? I have. There's nothing in it but good intentions. Conspiracy terrorists: "You'll have nothing but you'll be happy!" I'm thinking that, at the moment, we have nothing and we're unhappy, so the 2030 agenda means progress! Mind, blown
A woman was pushing some misinformation about 4G and 5G. Me: According to science, it's non ionizing radiation, so it's harmless. Besides, they're worried about 0,01W/m2 She insisted. Me: Here are 50 scientific peer-reviewed articles that show there's nothing to worry about. She: (cont.)
Jesus ducking Christ! I meant "fucking", autocorrect. Someone doesn't want to vote because "all political parties are the same". She: I'm against the privatization of water resources! Me: Vote for a political party that is opposed to the privatization of water resources. She: Which party? …
Yesterday, someone asked my opinion on, what seems to be, a one person political party. Me: "Irrelevant." #EuropeanElections
I took some time to rewrite some old code and got it working. I then replaced the old code with the new code, and it stopped working. Why? The exact same code worked fine in one spot, but didn't in another spot. Finally I realized that I had also changed the .ini file. That did it. Phew 😅