
You're not hysterical. Americans have been living in massive denial.
well the problem is that there's no leader, no one is being told what to DO besides "vote," so it's psychologically much easier to deny anything's hapening than to just panic 24/7. I'm definitely not saying to hide info, people do need to know, but I don't see what the knowledge is leading to.
Maybe this just counts as voting, but I think sublimating your panic into volunteering for your closest swing House race or Senate race might help! It's helped some of my friends.
right, I have my own to-do list, and we'll have to help others formulate their own. Because that's most of what the panic is about. When you have direction and clarity of purpose it gets a LOT easier. (I'm also not dismissing voting, I just don't want to get bogged down in Discourse over it)
Good on you for stepping out beyond the usual rhetoric. I’m in California and I will vote, but my vote does not count. So I have to think of something else to throw sand in the gears.
California has one of my least favorite Republican congressmen but there's no way CA-1 is going blue lolsob
I can’t stand the one that is out in Truckee or the one in Bakersville (Bakers - vile)
Yeah, Denney would have been a million times better than LaMalfa
Mass protests, angry calls to elected officials, be pests, demand better. Get creative with direct action and lawsuits if you are capable. We're in real bad shape
I have experience with a lot of those things (not lawsuits) though disability has seriously hampered my participation in recent years. I think we're going to have to hold a lot of people's hands through this because they don't have any previous experience being marginalized.
to be clear I'm not saying you are doing anything wrong! I really appreciate all the work you do. I'm just trying to think through what we do with all the people who are just now realizing how awful things are (or are about to get) but have no direction, so instead they either panic or shut down.
No I totally understand ❤️ don't worry!! It's really hard and discouraging but if we all work together we can fuck them UP. If that wasn't the case they wouldnt have circulated all these lies to divide us and make us scared to gather
I'm not discouraged, I'm determined, and it's up to us non-doomers to pull the panicky out of their stupor.
“Judicial review does not appear in the Constitution and is not firmly rooted in American tradition. For roughly the first three-quarters of the 19th century and the middle third of the 20th, those powers were heavily circumscribed by tradition and competition from the other branches of government.”
“And for good reason: When the Court has exercised sole power to interpret the Constitution, with rare exceptions it has used that power to obliterate Americans’ constitutional rights, uphold white supremacy, and protect abusive corporations from unions and the regulatory state.”
TAP : The American Informed analysis of public policy and the politics of power, from a progressive perspective
Here’s something we can do: We know that half of the people don’t vote. They need motivation. They don’t know what Project 2025 is. Study it a bit, and just start asking people if they have heard about it. No? Give a two minute summary and say, I am voting against it in Nov. are you registered yet?
This has got me wondering how much it would cost to take out an ad in my local paper with a summary of project 2025. I may call tomorrow and find out!
Or Reddit or Nextdoor, where people go to find their lost cats and gutter repair people. Shake them up a bit!
Sending postcards, or writing letters with Vote Forward, is a great way to amplify your message and get out the vote.
Looking for a way to save our democracy from home this election season? Postcarding, texting, phone banking - you can do more than just vote!
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