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Refugee from #Post. Dogs rule my world, cats claim my lap. Gardening, piano, guitar, bowling, hiking, surviving out of spite.
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Yikes. Hey NC, you electing THAT?
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
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Biden on the tarmac leaving Wisconsin. This is Real Biden.
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Our campaign to EXPOSE Project 2025 is WORKING. Where’s that little shit who’s threatening to shoot liberals who get in the way, NOW??? See what I mean? Push BACK and they CRUMBLE.
Interesting. Maybe pandering to the centrist Republicans.
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I’d love nothing more than to send these two packing.
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A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
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President Biden can now, as an official act, fire Louis DeJoy immediately.
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Nobody loves that Joe Biden is 81. It would be great if he was 35. But you know what I really dislike? Authoritarianism. So I humbly beseech people to get a goddamn grip.
Reposted byAvatar Funkypuppet
I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
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“Liking” a post isn’t going to change the world. You have to repost it.
We are a coalition with Joe and Kamala at the top. I'm good with that.
Once again, Jasmine Crockett, not mincing words and offering up sound reasoning. November’s closing in, we’re going to have to come together to get this thing done.
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Seen on dog poo bins in England Works because Brits tend to say poo where Americans tend to say poop
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I am in mourning today for my dogs' favorite walking spot. When we arrived last night, they had cut down every tree. Building a subdivision which will largely be occupied by wealthy retirees, no affordable housing in sight. The forest was small but beautiful.
This is fantastic, who do we thank?
from Harry Sisson Holy crap. This billboard is currently up in rural Wisconsin. It shows a picture of Trump with Epstein with the words “please remember” next to them. Donald was best buddies with Epstein and praised him many times. Remember that.
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Look, if they can support their candidate through felony convictions, endless lies, a failed coup and the rape of E. Jean Carroll, you can support your candidate through a poor debate performance. Okay? -Christopher Colt
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I'm Shawn Harris. I defended our nation and its democracy for 40 years and retired as a Brigadier General. I'm taking on that mission again: I'm now the official Democratic candidate facing MTG, and I'm going to fight like hell. Can you follow and share this to help grow our base here on Bluesky?
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The best part of all of this is that Kevin McCarthy is running around behind the scenes, doing everything he can to get his revenge. They are going to destroy themselves.
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Your periodic reminder that Medicare For All would save $450 billion in health care costs and 68,000 lives per year.
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President Biden is all class. Even in difficult times. Rule of law Democrat. 🇺🇸
Statement from President Joe Biden re: Hunter Biden
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Slow your roll. Before people start praising Paul Ryan remember he still sits on the board of Fox News and makes money off of promoting mis/disinformation. He’s no hero for “not supporting trump”. 🙄
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Oh look. No riots.
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Justice has spoken in the courtroom today, but that won't change the fact that one of our country's two largest political parties is backing a convicted felon as its nominee in a presidential election. Democracy is on the ballot this November.