
Yes famously liberals are the ones blasé about civil conflict we definitely are constantly hankering for a breakdown of constitutional order and justifying political violence that’s us not everyone else
To be clear, this is a 'gun leftist' coming with this position! I don't actually oppose liberal or leftist rifle orgs to balance right wing ones, but 90% of 'gun leftists' in my experience are deeply misinformed about the destructiveness of armed conflict
"A civil war would be horrific in ways you liberals don't understand, that's why I'm not voting for Biden" just literally doesn't make any sense
No, but "I'm saying I won't vote for Biden to try to get him to take action in Gaza that would make him more electable" makes perfect sense. And liberal brinkmanship, refusing to budge over it when presented with this, does not.
That’s probably why Biden proposed/demanded a ceasefire. But the left has extremely little leverage here since so many of them (Gomez included) have declared they already consider him unfit for other reasons
Had the broader left been pretty uniformly behind Biden as the most progressive president since LBJ on October 6th, it would be a lot easier to believe that I/P is what’s causing their antipathy, rather than Biden being uncool.
Not only has Biden been doing all the stuff the left has been asking for for decades, it also all seems to be working.
Ironically the only part that is not working is the part where the left supports a candidate that actually does what they ask for
The last few years all the mysteries have been revealed. People voted to make life crappy because they don’t like inflation
I don't know, Dems didn't get killed in the midterms... But yeah media vibes and polling looking like shit
Right. I'm not voting for Democrats because they won't do x doesn't work when you find a reason to not vote for Democrats every single election. There's no credibility behind that stance anymore. I don't see how leftists don't understand that.
Oh, did the King of the Left announce that? I didn't hear about it.
I mean the precise individual we’re discussing? Yes, right after these comments he said no octogenarian is fit for office. I think eg telling a pollster you won’t vote for Biden, or voting uncommitted in a primary, is smart. But you have to play it smart - make your vote appear winnable