New Year’s Steve

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New Year’s Steve

Radicalized by Shelby County v. Holder
Laura Kelly stan

So, despair is the enemy. There are tons of people on this site that I really like, but I’m going stop posting and reading the skyline for a little while to avoid encouraging said enemy. I do have a couple DMs about non-politics related things to do, but I’m going to avoid SCOTUSposting, etc.
This is basically a cognitohazard of a political campaign for everyone who has an unhealthy investment in politics, but the more o think about it the better it sounds.
the most diabolical suggestion i have heard given this reality is Harris/Manchin
“We can’t replace Biden with someone who is less hostile to Palestinians” is IMO an extremely underrated factor in why all these radical centrists want to try some sort of triple bank shot rather than going with the fucking VP.
You don’t know who the Democrats’ best option is!
Once again 1) transphobic nepo baby takes over the family business 2) said business prospers under Republicans and struggles under Drmocrats 3) said business is getting investigated by Biden’s NLRB Given 1+2+3 you should have a very solid guess as to whether said bigot wants Trump or Biden to win.
If you’re wondering why the nyt editorial board would demand Biden drop out for a bad debate performance but not Trump after being liable for sexual abuse, the answer is simple: they’re angrier about Biden ending the war in Afghanistan than they’ve ever been about anything Trump has ever done
For the good of the NYT stock price, Biden should leave the race.
Joke: Trump will be get inflation under control Woke: Trump’s policies will be horribly inflationary, buy TIPS. Bespoke: Under Trump the BLS will be staffed with political hacks who lie about inflation to please their boss, TIPS will be useless because they use government numbers.
The Democratic Party elite (broadly defined) is 75% people who would absolutely hide their zombie bite from their ragtag group of survivors, and 25% people who can’t imagine that anyone would ever hide something like that.
Remarkably, the only really bad headlines coming out of the debate were the "Dems call on Biden to drop out of the race" ones so, great job guys
Interesting mental exercise is what’s the minimal level of change to the constitution that could plausibly unfuck it. My vote: change the threshold for removal from office to just be majority of house votes to remove.
Torn because I have some quality dark humor predictions and I want to post them so I can get credit if they come to pass, but I really don’t wanna lathe of heaven them.
I’m reminded of how “you’ve been scammed/robed/hacked and I’m the expert here to help fix the situation” is such a tried and true scammer hook.
We are at the point where the amazaballs renewable energy boom is making it feasible that humanity can beat climate change the way we beat smallpox or Ozone depletion. Ironically the thing that can prevent this is if a bunch of people who claim to be concerned about climate change refuse to vote.
The media isn't interested in the biggest technology story of the 2020s, the rapid transition to clean energy, because 1) it will destroy a bunch of oil based wealth and is a boring, competirive low margin business 2) it makes Democrats look good for helping it and they want Republicans to win
SCOTUS doubling down on bribery being legal, it seems?At least it was 6-3 and not 9-0.
The Taylor Lorenz rule: just because someone has some really repugnant haters doesn’t make them good.
The last ten years have been a experimental test of the claim “I’d gladly pay more for a cheeseburger if the workers got higher wages” If you are reading message this you were in the treatment group. Thank you for your participation.
The only thing stopping the Supreme Court from doing the judicial equivalent of the White Terror is fear of a popular backlash. Every story about a voter who blames Biden for Dobbs is a letter to Kavanaugh telling him that not only should he be evil, but he’ll benefit politically from it.
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
This is the future (well, present) that liberals want.
In 2010, the first full year the current minimum wage was in effect, there were about 4.3 million workers earning it, and there were 14 million unemployed (U3) workers at the end of the year. In 2023 there were about 870k minimum wage earners and 6.3 million unemployed at the end of the year.
Incredibly cursed that NYC is rerunning the guns vs butter debate, but the guns argument, rather than being that we are in a Cold War with the USSR and need to stay strong, is that cops need six figure salaries to sit around playing candy crush and joyride in police helicopters.
Maybe just buy one new copter, Eric? Then libraries can stay open with AC. "The administration is in effect being asked to come up with $18 million [for cultural funding] ... the Police Dept’s $6 billion budget for 2024 included $39.8 million for the purchase of 2 light twin-engine helicopters."
One candidate is old and occasionally misspeaks. The other is 96% as old, occasionally misspeaks and has 34 felony convictions. Which one is getting all the calls to drop out?
A NY Times reporter logs on to Twitter and is spoon fed propaganda curated by a Nazi-loving billionaire. Here’s why that’s bad news for Joe Biden
Ok, my most cancellable opinion is apparently that I actually liked the AI drive through. It worked well enough, and when I was working fast food taking orders was the worst part, so much abuse from people who couldn’t understand that I did not actually control the prices or menu items.
McDonald’s announced internally this month that it was ending its partnership with IBM and shutting down its AI tests at more than 100 U.S. drive-throughs after ordering mistakes frustrated customers.
260 McNuggets? McDonald’s Ends A.I. Drive-Through Tests Amid Ordering mistakes frustrated customers during nearly three years of tests. But competitors like White Castle and Wendy’s say their A.I. ordering systems have been highly accurate.
“Why are this study’s conclusions fundamentally bullshit?” Would be a good undergraduate econometrics homework question, nice to see physics living up to its reputation.
Kinda wish I had a Venn diagram for the overlap between “bellingcat is a CIA op” and “environmental activist group funded by an oil heiress that accepts donations in cryptocurrency it totally legit and grassroots”
If destroying Stonehenge would lower CO2 concentrations by a couple of parts per billion, I’d pick up a chisel myself. It’s not that vandalizing a world heritage site to help the planet is wrong, it’s that it won’t help the planet to vandalize it.
Apropos of nothing, one of many brilliant little things in I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter was an offhanded mention of rationing electricity for survival AC.
Using my one trip in the Time Machine to go back to 1991 and beg Thurgood Marshall to stay on the court another 18 months before resigning.
To justify legalizing bump stocks, Clarence Thomas literally copied and pasted materials from an extremist pro-gun group whose violent rhetoric makes the NRA look moderate. This is who has the Supreme Court's ear these days.
The Group Helping the Supreme Court Rewrite America’s Gun Laws Is Worse Than the I don’t think that’s anything you could imagine happening even 10 years ago.
There aren’t a ton of situations where I’d vote for a communist, but they do exist.
It’s amazing how the narrative on crime is driven entirely by vibes and gut instinct rather than actual material facts, to the asymmetric benefit of reactionaries. Good thing this is unique to crime and no other high salience issues have the same pathology.
"The latest FBI statistics point to a 'historic' drop in crime in the first quarter of this year..." Murder rate: -26.4% Reported rapes: -25.7% Robberies: -17.8% Aggravated assault: -12.5% Overall violent crime: -15.2% Reported property crime: -15.1%
New FBI stats show 'historic' declines in violent crime rate, with murder showing sharpest While Philadelphia's police chief is "excited" about what he's seeing in the numbers, he "is also very cautious that we don’t overstate and overestimate the direction we’re going."
I feel like I need to apologize to boomers for judging them so harshly for believing any implausible nonsense they run across as long as it flatters their beliefs and is in meme format. Fun math problem: ~how much would the average household in the top 1000 have to make for this to be true?