The Inconsistent Dragon, Alephwyr

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The Inconsistent Dragon, Alephwyr

Philosopher, Linux professional, information hoarder, dragon. Pronouns: Any are fine, but female are correct.
the GOP wants to illegalize big tiddy goth girls and dragon vore, and I can think of nothing less American than that
Tell every person you know that the GOP wants to ban porn. Let them imagine a hellscape where they both have no human rights and no legal sources of weird smut to drown their sorrows in
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Given how much traction "Transfem fascists" has gotten in half-serious leftist spaces it's telling that Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Mark Robinson etc can openly bridle themselves to catch the deer for the hunter without comment.
I paid my first student loan payment in I guess ever. Just ran out of ways to defer. If fascist shit starts happening I will probably stop paying though.
Fucking unbelievable that the big publications are running with this as the lead story after the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist as Emperor for Life.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
The look on his face
Traveling solo as a trans woman is googling "is X safe for trans women" and getting "X is very safe for wealthy white gay men"
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court
the sneering condescension of a garden variety centrist aside "you can have your way when you're dead" is an unbelievable thing to tell trans people facing two parties hostile to us breathing in public
I guess it's easier to say this if you're not from a demographic the party leader thinks have too many rights and wants to chat amicably with people who want you locked up for existing
It's scientifically proven that dragons enhance your lives. Hating them only brings pain and suffering. Love dragons, now and forever! 💙🐲🐲🐲
If a single billionaire can legally dump $100 million into an election, when the legal maximum an individual can donate is $3300 — that’s not democracy or a free and fair election, that’s an oligarchy and an auction. The corruption is killing our country.
The reclusive plutocrat who became the biggest political donor of The largest donor of the 2024 presidential campaign, by far, is Timothy Mellon, the reclusive billionaire and heir to the Mellon banking fortune. Mellon was already the largest donor after donating $2...
If someone told you you had one year to live what would you do. This Supreme Court decision is a death sentence for so many people in the states. I’m not being hyperbolic. This is reality.
Strange Days (1995), 2 hours, 25 minutes. Proper cyberpunk; though the tech advancement is very, very specific, it to be fair can be grasped easily outside of its genre context because the acting was excellent, 2K then being five years away was relatable and the nutech was believably metapredictive.
fav film over 120 minutes?
While the Earth Sleeps (Long Version) Provided to YouTube by ColumbiaWhile the Earth Sleeps (Long Version) · Deep ForestBoheme℗ 1995 Peter Gabriel Ltd.Released on: 1996-04-12Composer, Lyricist: E...
saw someone once put it as "i cannot be expected to care more about nancy pelosi's life than she does". forget push them left, we can't even get these motherfuckers to have a survival instinct
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
For those of you not following, Nina Power, a socialist continental philosopher of high prominence, got fully outed as a secret nazi. Among all her exposed texts, I really think it's worth zeroing in on her bestie's praise for a neoreactionary blog's hostility to widening the circle of empathy.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
A Trump Round Two scenario that looks like Duterte’s murderous campaign against “drug suspects” (who often were merely poor people or other ‘undesirables’ who had nothing to do with drugs) is also a lot more plausible, IMO, than any coordinated MAGA military occupation of blue cities.
I could certainly see him declaring the purge of “illegal immigrants”, maybe with a bounty. Free pardons all round, of course. Shame if any of them turned out to be citizens or legal residents, but can’t make an omelette and all that…
In other words: there are a LOT of people in our exceptionally diverse US military who can absolutely be reasoned with and who don’t like Trump any more than we do. Much, much more so than is the case with US cops.
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
The scummy "support org for parents to trans children", Bayswater Support Group, which is a transphobic conservative hate lobby with connections to Christian fundamentalists has been exposed as heavily influencing UK government policy on trans matters:
The parents group at the centre of a rollback of trans A Conservative MP enlisted Bayswater Support Group in push back on trans education in schools