
Apropos nothing else I remember when people were telling me that the Israelis were more than capable of sustaining themselves in terms of military equipment, even in a two front war, and evidently this is not and was not ever really the case.
Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Israel’s military leadership wants a cease-fire with Hamas in case a bigger war breaks out in Lebanon, security officials say. It has also concluded that a truce would be the swiftest way to free host...
Which is why the U.S. does in fact have a tremendous amount of leverage over its biggest recipient of military assistance, and people who said otherwise were whether they intended it or not arguing against the use of that leverage.
The problem is, as it has been for decades, that the U.S. is not interested in leveraging its assistance over Israel for Palestinians.
One of the dumbest and/or worst faith arguments I’ve heard in recent memory. I heard it from actually smart people I sometimes agree with!
I'm pretty sure they intended it. Certainly having the observable facts pointed out to them never seemed to move them off the talking point.
The US is not in the habit of shipping military supplies to countries that have all the military supplies they need
You mean to tell me that all the people who were saying that the billions upon billions of military assistance from the most powerful nation on Earth didn't matter were either wrong or lying? I can't believe this!
Without the United States' blind support for Israel since 1967, Israel, a land-grabbing, Apartheid regime that has chosen expansion over security, would be destroyed. Israel has been a monster and an aberration since its inception in 1948.
I'd love to see every one of Netanyahu's bank accounts in Israel and overseas.