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Such order from confusion sprung
You love to see it. As the saying goes.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Info I hear from France suggests results may be very surprising. I had to double check I was reading right. Now appears to be confirmed by *EARLY EXITS* in Swiss media: RN weaker than expected. Fight for first between left & Macronists, though RN possible still in right for low plurality.
Wow, all we ever saw were cartoon dicks getting drawn across screens. Annoying, sure, but harmless: we were all, "Excuse us, this is the meeting for revisions to the pool ordinance, you likely want the one for cartoon dicks, bye now." We wondered what the fuss was about. Now I know.
New from 404 Media: remember that wave of Zoom Bombings during the pandemic, where 'local residents' derailed city council meetings? FBI investigated, alleges in one case the 'local residents' were actually an overseas network of racists
'Local Residents' Terrorizing City Council Meetings Were Actually Overseas, Feds A racist 'Zoom Bombing' group was made up of American teenagers collaborating on a Roblox-owned chat with foreign nationals, according to a criminal complaint.
Hey, survey researchers? Don't do this. Headline in my inbox this morning: "23% of U.S. adults now use AI language models like ChatGPT – the tipping point." Actual survey question (which I had to click a link and read 17 pages deep to find): "Have you ever used an AI language model or a chatbot."
The New York Times piece on how to do a good party is every bit as horrifying as you expect if you hate parties and, increasingly, the New York Times
The Master List of Slipstream Books is no longer available on the original roadrunner-com site where I ran across it so I have retrieved it from the wayback machine and reprinted it (without permission) along with some musing on being belated to genre conversations:
The Master List of Slipstream Books (Unauthorized Reprint) | Wm Henry Morris reprints The Master List of Slipstream Books and muses on being belated to genre discussions
Real Estate Specialists 🤝 D-Day Participants Recognizing the Value of Beachfront Property
The most moving LinkedIn D Day post of all time
Details change a bit but every "conversation" about general leftwing criticism of the new york times for 20+ years has been the same in that they do not engage with the substance of the criticism at all. This is not because they are stupid it's because they are liars
It is true that retrofitting American cities to accommodate people instead of cars will be more challenging in some ways, but it's not the case that cities like Paris and Amsterdam were always as pedestrian friendly as they are now. They got there through deliberate policy choices, and so can we.
Paris’ Seine waterfront used to be completely car-dominated. Fast-forward to today and it’s a beautiful pedestrian reprieve from the city. Change is possible! 📍 Paris, France 2000s 👉 Today
Damn, I'd buy that tomorrow if it were available here. Which, of course, is why American car companies are losing their tiny minds over it.
That American car companies are absolutely losing their tiny minds over a Chinese company selling a normal-sized and somewhat affordable EV is such a perfect illustration of how profoundly broken they all are, only able to build and sell expensive wankpanzers
Hey, Law Bsky: Can we assume that the Justice Department already has people looking at the question of whether and how any guidance saying, "We do not bring candidates to trial during election season" can be suspended given special circumstances? Seems important, all of a sudden.
This would be funny if it weren't so horrifying. Do they genuinely not realize? Or are they perfectly aware, but immune to embarrassment?
Every day since 2016 the Daily Express has discovered, with accompanying outrage, that leaving the European Union meant leaving the European Union.
These researchers studied 2022 campaign coverage that made the front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post. They wanted to know if it was different from 2016, which was mostly horse race and her emails. Here's their answer:
It's gotten to the point where you have to click through and read the article to be sure that a post like this isn't missing a snark tag. Spoiler: It isn't. He really said that.
When asked about his clearly fascist language echoing dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, this is what Trump's spokesperson had to said:
Enjoy the Reformation and Halloween with the classic 95 Reese's being nailed to a door
And I thought my City Council had issues. But no. Chicago is still the undisputed champion.
Today in Chicago our second most evil alderman is at city council dressed like Sub Zero trying to make it so families need a permit to put up a little free library. I am not lying or exaggerating. In this photo our mostly ok but fake DSA lib alderman is dressed like a little free library. It’s fun
I'm sorry for UK users. But I hope and trust that Signal and the other secure messaging platforms affected by this will exit the UK. They can go on providing safe communications for the rest of the world, and it's not like they can do anything to help the UK users their own government just betrayed.
This is clearly the best name. Can we adopt it by unanimous consent?
Multiple DC news outlets are reporting that the new owner of the Commanders wants to change to nearly-universally-hated team name. Which means there’s a chance that my original preferred name, the Department of Football, is back in play! 🏈
I swear to god, I think Musk is killing the Twitter name because he just never wants to see or hear it again. He loved it, he gave a fortune and reputation for it, and it spurned his love: it wouldn’t even give him his eight dollars.
A useful procedural point from Neal Katyal. The Colorado attorney general should absolutely bring the rehearing petition: If the Court is going to ignore fundamental jurisdictional principles, make them own it. HTTPS://
Procedure exists to force the Supreme Court to rehear 'made up' wedding website case: Neal Based upon new evidence that a landmark Supreme Court case on religious and 1st Amendment rights was based upon a bogus claim, former Solicitor General Neal Katyal claimed that Colorado's attorney gen...
End of feed.