
We all feel this way. But it's vital to realize that the median American is this person. Their understanding of how government works is like how you or I understand calculus or biology or some other class you took in high school and haven't thought about since.
Saw a post recently about how yesterday's decisions woke someone up to how important voting is, as the only way to get the right type of judges onto SCOTUS, & consciously restrained myself from posting a deeply unhelpful "IT TOOK YOU UNTIL NOW TO GET THIS" that bubbled up from my soul. Please clap.
Shaming them about this is silly. Just be glad they are here!
A lot of people vote because they believe it's their duty but they otherwise hate politics and ignore it as much as possible. These people are the ones who decide elections. It doesn't matter when or how they learn what the stakes are, it's just good that it's happening.
This is it. Talk to any undecided voter - there are still millions of them - and they are just barely paying attention to the election.
Yes! I’m a lawyer (in house job at small private sector biz) and yesterday reminded me how much my media intake - including BSky - is made up of smart politics/law/infosec/nat’l sec folks’ perspectives. My work colleagues and friends were fairly biz as usual.
Bluesky/Twitter can feel like a sample of the population at large, but it’s closer to 10% the last time I checked. Even Facebook is just a slice of the overall population. But if you’re embedded in that ecosystem, it feels like the whole world.
I think a reason so many people like to play social scientist (or actual scientist) on social media is because it’s the only place people are information-hungry enough to listen to a completely unqualified person hold forth on critical issues. For example, I have no idea what I’m talking about here.