
Ask anyone who is currently navigating the process of getting SSI or SSDI, or who successfully did so. The process is long and nightmarishly difficult, by design. Humiliating, dehumanizing, painful, by design. Dems need to not just threaten us, but also *offer something better*
In case you think Project 2025 doesn't affect you or anyone you know, the plan calls for doing away with Social Security and Medicare as we know them. This will 100% hit you eventually, and it will instantly take money out of your parents' and/or grandparents' pockets.
It's not enough for dems to look disabled people in the face and say "this is the best we can do, vote for us or it'll be worse" What the fuck does this threat mean to someone on year 3 of trying to get the resources they need to survive? Capped at $941 a month income and $2,000 worth of assets?
There has been a push to increase this asset limit to $10,000. That $2,000 limit hasn't changed since 1972. 52 years ago. What the fuck does this threat mean, to someone who has been forced into mandatory poverty for the last decade or more? Mandatory divorce?
The Case for Updating SSI Asset Limits | Center on Budget and Policy Raising or eliminating asset limits would reduce administrative burdens without dramatically increasing enrollment.
This kind of threat needs to be accompanied by an equally specific, equally concrete, equally dedicated "here are the 5 things we will do to make social security not a hellishly inadequate, cruel system. Here is how we will do these things."
It's not enough to offer disabled people a shit sandwich and go "VOTE or the republicans will take this away!" You gotta actually offer something better than a shit sandwich for that threat to mean much.
Republicans keep trying to kill social security. They've spent 50 fucking years relentlessly attacking it. They push against it over and over and over again, even if it fails. Again, ask someone on SSI or SSDI what that 50 years of relentless effort has resulted in *currently*.
SSI and SSDI are *currently* a nightmare to apply for and be on, as a result of those 50 years of singleminded dedication to destroying them. Telling people that the republicans are going to finish destroying them, is simply not good enough. You gotta actually try to fix shit.
Took me two cases, fifteen years, and an appeal to the Ninth Circuit.
The guy who gave us Social Security was so popular they kept electing him until he died & the Republicans changed the Constitution to make sure nobody ever won so much ever again. The Democrats' seeming constitutional incapability of doing fucking anything is making life worse for so many people.
I've qualified since birth. Even more so in teens. Took until I was 21 to get it. Dad didn't even bother trying because "oh well you make too much so she won't qualify." Idk it that was true or not but it's not like he tried.
And to say the least Biden is precisely the worst person to trust with making it better. Pretty much parallel with his stance on Palestine and debt.
Those rules aren't just from the past, they're from a past where a household could easily be supported on a single income. Which is something that will never happen again.
I think we don't hear about the people like me who made it or would have made it after more than a few months to a couple years because most of us die before winning.
Have Democrat candidates just been quiet on it? Or are they directly saying "this is the best we can do"? Neither's great. Wanting to know how bad it is.
I'm tired of only getting $941 a month, barely covers my mom's house payments