Jose Molina

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Jose Molina

Writer of (mostly) TV (FIREFLY, AGENT CARTER, VAMPIRE DIARIES, THE TICK). Part-time podcaster (CHILDREN OF TENDU). Dog dad.
TFW you see up close that Zuckerberg & co. are just as bad as Musk & co.
I tried to post the clip from Casablanca where they sing La Marseillaise on Facebook and this happened
In case you think Project 2025 doesn't affect you or anyone you know, the plan calls for doing away with Social Security and Medicare as we know them. This will 100% hit you eventually, and it will instantly take money out of your parents' and/or grandparents' pockets.
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I think this is the first time Musk has suggested fellow Americans should be executed.
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The NYT is a garbage fire that's clearly in the bag for Trump. But WaPo is lining up to give the old gray mare a run for her money.
Analysis by Dan Balz: A week after his disastrous debate performance and amid rising doubts inside his party about his capacity to defeat Donald Trump in November, Biden has adopted a one-word strategy to keep his candidacy alive: defiance.
Analysis | Biden meets his critics with defiance. But they see him in In the week since his disastrous debate, President Biden has been grimly determined to stay in the race, but has he done enough to turn the tide of dissent in his party?
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Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
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Library funding is almost always justified through patron numbers. The more people a library serves, the more funding it gets. So even if you don't regularly use a public library, get a library card. It costs you nothing and helps everyone in your community.
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
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I think our country sinks beneath the yoke: It weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash Is added to her wounds.
This is what this November election is about. The right wants blood on the streets. Nothing short of that will satisfy. The ONLY choice is to vote Biden.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
It's not just the press who loses their voice, it's all of us. Because a sitting president can do anything he wants to anyone he wants now.
I started my career reporting on how people were using the Internet in dictatorships, and if there's one BIG thing I learned from talking to a bunch of people who literally had served jail time for political blogging, it was "choose your battles wisely, and don't say dumb things in dumb places."
When the president has free rein to kill anyone who opposes him, editorials like this will go away. The free press will go away. Any dissent will go away. You really want to give Trump that power? Regardless of what you think of Biden, a 2nd Trump term is something democracy can't survive.
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Now that Absolute Power is on the ballot this election, ask yourself this: Which candidate would you rather see wielding it? Because THAT’S what your vote will decide. #VoteBlue
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
Hey,, remind me of your response to the "Indy doesn't affect the plot of Raiders" theory. I remember it being spot-on, but I can't remember exactly what it is.
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The Biden administration has taken anti-monopoly action against: -Amazon -Apple -Google -Facebook -Live Nation -JetBlue -Spirit -Kroger -Albertsons We’ve had years of government forces working on behalf of corporations. This is what it looks like when they work for the people.
I feel this way about the genre community in general. We get shit on (and looked down upon) so often, that I always find myself rooting for writers/directors who are working in the sci-fi/fantasy/comic book/horror fields. Even when their track records are uneven.
One of the best parts about the horror community is that we really all do root for each other. The entire community wants Ti and Osgood to crush it with their upcoming films.
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President Biden announced that immigrant spouses of American citizens may apply for permanent residency without leaving the country, washing away their fears of being separated from their families and putting them on a path to U.S. citizenship.
White House announces plan to aid longtime undocumented President Biden’s policy will clear the way for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens to apply for legal residency.
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Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
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59 years ago today, Griswold v. Connecticut guaranteed the right to birth control. Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should "reconsider" that ruling. And this week, 38 GOP senators voted against the Right to Contraception Act. Republicans are coming for birth control.
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Yeah. I use Affinity now (and have for years). No subscription model. No surveillance. And it opens Adobe files. In case you wanted to give Adobe the finger.
For anyone who uses Photoshop or other Adobe products, here's some fun news about the TOS update. "Adobe Photoshop's New Terms of Service Demands the Right to Access Your Work"
Adobe Photoshop's New Terms of Service Demands the Right to Access Your Creators are outraged this week, as Adobe changed the Photoshop terms of service to demand the right to access any work produced from the app.
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I also just filed a complaint! Posting doesn't solve the problem but following up and annoying the govn't can help!
This took me less than 5 min to do and here's Adobe's address because the FTC does ask for it: Adobe 345 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95110-2704 Tel: 408-536-6000 Fax: 408-537-6000
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Have the state department put out a request to every one of these countries asking for clarification as to whether someone in Trump's situation (not Trump specifically) is eligibile to travel, then its a news story every time they respond
The President of the United States is our head of state and chief diplomat, charged with maintaining alliances and making state visits. Here is a list of countries Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump is not legally allowed to visit: Argentina Australia Canada China …
Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 Former president and convicted felon Trump could have difficulty entering nations including the U.K., Ukraine and China.
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No one disputes the industry is in a major slowdown. It’s a terrible time, and many of us are hurting But this article’s claim that it was caused by the 2023 strikes is bullshit The slowdown & strikes were caused by the same thing: bad business decisions at the top🧵
Hollywood crews in 'crisis': 'Everyone's just in panic mode' as jobs 2023's dual strikes by writers and actors created a dry spell for everyone in Hollywood. Crew members are still feeling the aftershocks.
The more sustainable option is passing a fuckton of legal reform to keep Exxon, Shell, BP, and the rest of the oil cartel from polluting the planet. Individuals aren't the problem, big companies are.
I know we're supposed to be proud of our kids no matter what, but sometimes children need to be told that their parents are deeply ashamed of them.
If my son told me he watched Lawrence of Arabia on a phone I’d divorce his mother and tell him it was his fault
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a useful exercise is to ask how the political press would be framing the election if the positions were reversed, meaning, if Trump were an incumbent presiding over a strong economy wielding a powerful campaign apparatus and Biden was the shambolic challenger on trial for multiple criminal offenses
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The Biden Admin's rule limiting credit card late fees was set to begin tomorrow. But a Trump-appointed judge blocked it at the request of the Chamber of Commerce — costing U.S. families an estimated $27 million a day. MAGA and corporate interests want to keep ripping you off.
Remove all the other million reasons and this is enough to vote against Trump. He wants to take our money that we earned and put it in the pockets of his cronies.
Trump wants to: Extend his tax cuts — which have made billionaires $2 trillion richer Cut Social Security — which working people pay into for a lifetime Would you like to keep your retirement money? Or would you like to gift it to billionaires? That is your choice in 2024.