
I’ve been extremely cynical about the Court and predicted to my friends and family that Roe v Wade was gone the moment news broke of TBG’s death, but I will fully admit I did not see this one coming. Not to this degree.
I really cannot emphasize how catastrophically bad the Court's ruling was. I do my best not to exaggerate about these kinds of things but I am still kind of in shock
Right, the culmination of a 50 year project to reverse Roe made sense, even if it was terribly sad and depressing. To fortify the unitary executive theory with near total legal impunity? No, I did not have that on teh bingo sheet.
Right, overturning Roe v. Wade has been an extremely mainstream Republican goal since the 1970s; arguably THE goal. This has not been:
1/ Let me explain one way that today's Trump immunity decision threatens the survival of the Republic. Under today's ruling, a President would be immune for any way in which he used the military (a "core function"), even to kill American citizens in America. Theoretically, the soldiers who . . .