
I really cannot emphasize how catastrophically bad the Court's ruling was. I do my best not to exaggerate about these kinds of things but I am still kind of in shock
It’s an absolutely shocking document.
It feels like we live in a different country after this morning. This feels seismic.
I genuinely try not to react to bad things - as there’s lots of bad things. This is awful thing. Don’t miss the part about ‘bye bye justice department independence.’
I’ve never seen Andrew Weissmann look so shaken
I think I'm having a reckoning with myself, I truly didn't think they would do it. And of course they did - a once in a Republic chance to seize power forever? They were always gonna shoot their shot. They did, and the game's all but over. So fucking grim.
Anyone who gets the chance should ask Biden what line SCOTUS would have to cross to provoke an unprecedented response? One that says "This court is no longer legitimate & will be stripped of its powers".
OriginalIism is one thing but this feels a bit like they actually believe rw media & the extremist clergy who preach that D rule is evil. Am I wrong?
The Heritage Foundation has very cleverly plotted over a long period of time to remake America into their image of a white Christian patriarchy. Gilead, basically.
Aaannnnddd, Hilary was dead on the money about “a vast right wing conspiracy.”
I knew she was right the moment she said it.
It’s disturbing to me that those tasked w upholding our Constitution are so beholden to those wrong, religious beliefs. We should expect better.
The religious belief thing is just a smokescreen they hide behind. They don't give a damn about the Gospels.
Starting in Reagan yrs, I noted a distinct (imo) sense of sneering superiority from the other side. Rs are smarter, more moral, family values! More anything good. Gross oversimplification but that sense has persisted for me.
Yeah, it's all the Federalist Koch (toxic waste magnate) $$$$. Though I've also wondered about the massive over-representation of Opus Dei Franco-style Catholics on this small body...
What Biden must do is effectively declare war on the court. Broadcast from the oval and enumerate the consequences. Relentlessly. Make sure everyone understands p2025. The only “official” power he should adopt is to ignore the Hatch Act.
It's remarkable that Biden wouldn't want that power. /s
I feel like I did on January 6th.
I feel about 40 times worse than that. At least on Jan 6 it was a clownshow of idiots and that dumb cunt got trampled to death and another got shot and killed.
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On Jan 6th, at least for a while, there was a silver lining that the fever might just break, enough people would snap out of it for long enough to impose a real consequence, and we would, in fact, emerge stronger.
Yeah, even if we somehow end up in like the 95th percentile good outcome, this ruling is still gonna exist for the first emperor of the United States to use when they come to office.
I was shocked when Trump won in 2016. I was shocked watching the planes fly into the WTC. But this somehow feels different. Worse.
I agree. When those events happened I didn't feel it was the end of our country. Today's ruling absolutely IS the end of our country as we knew it; the whole principle upon which it was founded is now gone.
Project 2025 has already begun.
This is definitely the "Project 2025 would be cool and totally legal" decision.
Too bad only a small % of the country even know about it. We should all be spreading the document everywhere we post. Esp on r w social places.
It feels like the SCOTUS ruling today made the Jan. 6th coup successful, & more harmful than most had even imagined that day.
Yeah, this pretty much seemed like an institutional referendum over whether the right wing is all-in on the worst aspects of Trumpism, even at the highest levels, and boy are they.
If the GOP is kept out of power this year, we still have a chance to do something about it.
Must vote BLUE DOWN BALLOT everywhere. Must.
Pretty sure bullets and explosives do the same things regardless who's in office
This is cataclysmic. And people have no idea how fucking bad it will get if Donald gets back in. If you think people being put on a wall during primetime is delusional, I beg you, beg you to think again. He will fire, jail, and pardon people until he finds someone who will do what he wants.
They're so blatant I'm astonished they didn't finagle *But only applies to Trump* clause in there
It was an opinion on Trump vs The United States so it’s not a stretch for this court to make that exact argument in the future.
No need to warm up any muscles for that stretch
That part is buried in the ‘official act’ vs ‘unofficial act’ interpretation
My worry now is what else a court that would issue this ruling would be willing to do.
One thing that is weird is that republicans constantly complain that Biden is a dictator. And then, the Court says, “well, the President can do what he wants!”
Incredible that the conservative Justices and their clerks read / drafted the opinion and were like yeah this demonstrates the proper restraint in a case this important, hit publish. It’s such a “gloves off” opinion. There’s no subtlety. No effort. Just a big fuck you to everyone outside the GOP.
Starting to wonder why they would go this far. They tried so hard to cut off anything flowing from the Eastman conspiracy stuff, not coincidentally, the flow that likely implicates Thomas’s wife, Ginny, and perhaps the Justices themselves. How involved they w Jan 6?
Indeed, catastrophically bad for the entire world, literally the only beneficiary is Trump, who knows not the difference between right and wrong, nor truth and lies. This kind of absolute power should never even be awarded to an upstanding statesperson let alone a convicted criminal.
This is horrible and has gradually gotten worse since Bush v Gore.
I think it is Game of Thrones, not rule of law.
Margaret atwood: they overthrew congress by force Reality: well, actually…
There is absolutely no question where these stooges stand and anyone who tries to claim differently should be shoved in a barrel and rolled down a hill.