Pilar redalphababe #fbpe

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Pilar redalphababe #fbpe


#fbpe. 30 years running a small UK biz. Escaped to Europe recently. Rejoin SM, CU and EU for a healthy future for our children and grandchildren. Truth matters. If you are unnecessarily rude about FBPE I will just block.
Open-mindedness isn’t just nice to have. It’s not an intellectual luxury. It is essential to our survival. Challenge and be challenged. Love and courage to you in 2024. 9/9
We should contest both the orthodoxies of power and the rigidities of confronting power. Resistance is never a tickbox exercise. Nor is it a purity contest. It demands constant originality and creativity. We should work together but think for ourselves. 8/9
We have to confront the possibility that we might all be wrong about almost everything. The knowledge and beliefs of previous centuries may turn out to be next to useless in confronting the challenges of the coming decades. We must be ready to rethink every creed. 7/9
Environmentalists and humanitarians can be just as susceptible to irrational beliefs as those we confront. We are too often (esp on food and farming) swayed by nostalgia, romanticism, imagery, symbols, sensation, all of which can shut down our rational, enquiring minds. 6/9
There’s a closing of ranks and a closing of minds. But if humanity is to survive, let alone thrive, nothing should be off the table. We cannot tiptoe around such sensitivities. Everything, including all that we ourselves believe, must be open to challenge, all the time. 5/9
Ask certain people, for example, how they justify owning a second home, driving an SUV, working for an oil company, eating beef …. the results are likely to be explosive. Rational discussion is almost impossible, because the sensitivities are so great. 4/9
While humanitarianism requires sensitivity to the needs of others, we have to become insensitive to the insults and abuse that come our way. By contrast, those who accuse us of being snowflakes often turn out to be super-sensitive. 3/9
And we'll need thick skins. When we object to environmental destruction or ill-treatment of human beings, we're often accused of being “snowflakes” or “melts”. In reality, you need endless courage and resilience to keep confronting assaults on humanity and the living planet. 2/9
A Happy New Year to you all. It’s going to be a challenging one. The ongoing massacre in Gaza Accelerating environmental breakdown Trump’s bid for the White House …. Those of us who want a better world will have to work even harder than before. 🧵 1/9
Happy New Year everyone. 2024 even with all the problems of the world shows promise. We have an opportunity to make an electoral change in the UK. Our US friends will need our support too. I wish you all the very best 🍾❤️🎈
Ppl who know Daleta/ma ja ba from "X", & relevant others! As @bosanka.bsky.social, newly also here. Pls fllw if U wish! (Seprt sets - no spam!) @rachel4742.bsky.social @pilargomez.bsky.social @peterbrand.bsky.social @bytorsnowdog.bsky.social @pao14.bsky.social @lydiam.bsky.social 5/
Happy heavenly birthday my dear friend - never forgotten
Interesting clouds on the horizon - from blue sky to low cloud in one journey
🔥 YES! New EU law to send polluters to jail. European Union legislators reached agreement yesterday on a new directive that will see *jail sentences* of up to 10 years for the worst polluters and companies fined up to 5% of their global turnover. 👏👏👏
EU strikes deal on new 'ecocide' rules to put polluters in jailwww.euractiv.com European Union legislators reached agreement on Thursday (16 November) on a new directive that will see jail sentences of up to 10 years for the worst polluters and companies fined up to 5% of their g...
Tory polling average now below where it was on the day Sunak took over as PM.
TORIES: We’ve got lots of great stuff coming up, we’ve got refugees to Rwanda, we’ve got inheritance tax cuts, we’ve got exciting plans for fixing potholes, we’ve VOTERS: Just go.
Tory polling average now below where it was on the day Sunak took over as PM.
Right-wingers getting cross about young people being involved in politics
“Companies are morally obligated by free speech values to pay money to run ads next to Nazi shit” is, obviously, ludicrous, but it’s solidly in the mainstream of “cancel culture” dipshittery.
Danny Dyer shouting 'oh there you are - you twat!' as Cameron walks back in like 2016 never happened.
Our Home Secretary incited ‘extreme violence’ on our streets. That’s it. She must go. There are no justifications for this. No possible reasons to keep this menace in post, defiling her office and putting people in danger. Anyone defending her is a disgrace. Sunak, over to you.
Visitor to the new patio wall lantern
Cold War Steve
gosh there's no pleasing her, is there?
London: Homeless tents crushed in rubbish van A DOZEN homeless people were evicted from their sleeping spot next to a hospital this afternoon (Friday), as police, security and bin workers arrived in the masses to throw away tents and life-saving belongings.
🤣🤣 Sunak runs off to Zelenskyy again as UK goes to shit👇🏼👇🏼 Economy Shrinking❌ Inlation not halved as promised❌ #NHS waiting lists record high❌ Boats still coming❌ Debt not reduced❌ 5 pledges = 5 failures But hey 😳Sunak’s in Ukraine ..🙄 just don’t ask him why he took them pledges off his profile🤔
Sunak and Braverman can never be allowed to forget this