badly-drawn bee 🐝

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badly-drawn bee 🐝

Swish swish motherfucker.
Part of the alphabet mafia πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ, novice egg-chaser πŸ‰, and scuba diver 🀿. London, UK.
I’m jamal from gaza with haiah Always she sleeps by side of my leg , you can support us evacuate and rebuild our life
This is the face of a cat who wants to come the fuck in. NOW.
And today I learned that SAM (sexual abuse and molestation) insurance is a thing.
grooming industrial complex in shambles
If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
Loving this Tiafoe v Alcaraz match if you're looking for a break from politics... #Wimbledon
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: β€œThe Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions Via THR
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: β€œThe Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions
Yup. There were a lot of overseas right-wing ghouls hanging around Clacton last night. If the unusual structural corporate arrangements of Reform and a ready supply of external money doesn’t demand some kind of attention, I’m not sure what does. Even the Tories might want a bit of oversight here
Even with the shitshow of the last 14 years, nearly 7m people still voted Tory.
If Labour big this up as a resounding win for them, rather than our pointed 'no more' to the Tories, all hope is lost. There needs to be humility from them in winning, and an acknowledgement of the work ahead; both in pushing back the far right, and taking assertive, bold steps to improve lives.
The day we as a nation agree that there’s never a need to mention, see, or hear from Boris Johnson again cannot fucking come soon enough
Godalming & Ash sounds like something my grandmother would say when she got upset
Welp. Reform on 13? Labour need to be alert to the work needed to change lives for the better, because you're not going to change hearts and minds about immigration until folk think things are more positive.
It is time to stop paying the New York Times a dime. Yes, that includes Wordle and the recipes. Sorry.
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
I've been sitting in the garden for the last half hour, in gorgeous sunshine, right by my big border of lavender. I haven't seen a single bee. Not one. We're so fucked.
So say we all
i am tired of politicians who are Characters. i long for representatives who are Boring and Go To Work.
And responding to a question from the high wizard of bigotry he's said trans women don't have the right to use the loo, even with a GRC. Fuck this two faced berk.
They're still at it
Reform Ltd. are having quite the day. There's this bullshittery from a Reform campaigner, AND the fact that one of their prospective candidates referred to autistic people (yanno, like me) as 'vegetables'.
Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
Voted! Me, not Peggy. Peggy would if she could but there wasn’t a candidate promising bits of cheese and unlimited pats so she’s abstained. #dogsatpollingstations
Took a little diversion on our morning walk #DogsAtPollingStations
#DogsAtPollingStations Clue says β€œGet The Tories In Third Place”
I've already voted, but if you're reading this and you haven't, polling stations are already open. What are you waiting for? Be nice to the polling station staff; they work a long day - take some biscuits. And if you're taking your pup, share a pic with #DogsAtPollingStations Fly, my pretties!