
Transcripts aren't random extra features. I don't listen to podcasts. I don't process info that way and they take too long. I can read much faster than ever I can speak. Until it's text, it's not really out there.
Throw in being hard of hearing, and I am right there with you!
Especially when the podcast is 4 hours, was buried behind a paywall, and supports a bunch of TERFs
Also, until there was a transcript, I didn’t know that at least one of the accusers was actually on the podcast! That is exactly the kind of information Ursula was asking for, but instead of providing it…people assumed she didn’t actually mean her questions???
She was told that early on and still decided to say 'we don't even know if these women are real'
No, she wasn’t told that early on. In fact the way people talked about the podcast heavily implied that it was *not* a first person account from the accusers.
Once an excellent person had put out a transcript, it seemed that none of the people telling Ursula V not to comment unless she'd engaged with the podcast had actually engaged with the podcast themselves.
Yes! This is me as well I was inclined to believe the (vague) reporting in the podcast and I have no axe to grind here But until that first transcript was done the game of telephone meant I thought the podcasters were reporting on something gathered elsewhere, not live interviews
I meant vague reporting OF not in the podcast. So much implication so little detail
Also its extra work for anyone who wants to copy paste quotes into their own articles, because they have to pay to have access to the podcast and then sit through the whole goddamn thing to get to the part they want to quote, and they might not write it down accurately… this *hinders* journalism
But of course if your goal is to make money off these poor women, who are accusing a well known figure whose legions of fans & several news outlet will rush to listen to ur podcast, then not providing a transcript & forcing them to pay to listen is not an oversight, it’s a feature.
Not to mention that any random 13 years old on tumblr writing a calling out post is fully capable of sharing a google drive folder full of screenshots & receipts. But to my understanding while the podcast hosts read messages aloud, they didn’t provide them for anyone else to see?
So they were fully trying to force people to pay to listen to the podcast in order to get anything to report on or discuss! Crummy behaviour and not actually supportive of these women! Who never so much better than that!
* who ‘deserve’ not ‘never’… idk how that word substitution even happenes