
prepare yourself for a flood of columns like this (written by lobbyists with zero financial conflict of interest disclosure) that the looming corrupt supreme court assault on regulatory independence is good, actually
Chevron and the Myth of Agency Expertise Should Be Put to Then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh recognized while sitting on the D.C. Circuit the dynamic that caused the executive branch ‘to be extremely aggressive in seeking to squeeze its policy goals into il…
big corporations want to kill chevron to bog down all regulatory reform in the courts indefinitely, ensuring regulators with very tailored expertise can't make any decisions without the explicit approval of congress a corrupt congress they know they've lobbied into gridlock
but the consumer protection folks (like me) pointing out this will turn our regulators into decorative gourds and have profund (and broadly fatal) impacts across consumer protection, the environment, public safety, and labor will be maligned as hyperbolic and, ironically, corrupt
it will take U.S. journalism about 5-10 years to realize that gutting all meaningful regulatory independence is literally killing people, at which point the lobbyists and corrupt officials responsible will have moved on to focusing on neutering what's left of state authority over corporate power
a side hello to the libertarian think tankers covertly on corporate payrolls who spent the last 40+ years working tirelessly to destroy all meaningful regulatory oversight under the pretense they were crafting Utopia, yet will face zero reputational impact once the bodies start dropping
The bodies have been dropping for years already. Illness disease poverty and etc is happening just not covered in the press, research not getting funded, in addition to the regulatory agencies being gutted.
Do publishers have any pretense of anything? Is this not exactly the sort of world they optimize for, where their children and friends' children rule, and they're all invited to the same events?
Carnival barkers in "stewardship" of properties and other children of the wealthy peddling their necessity for some supposed "utopia" that requires their continued prominence... and the sub-class of journalist who are allowed to exist and be employed as prestige / controlled opposition.
…news biz is fubar for sure… we ought take blame… we are lazy… huh?… no understandings of… health… economy… edu… def… the streets and sanitation in our neighborhoods… noooo… prefer to be expert in pro sport or tv fantasy… they are pushers… we are the addicts…
Honestly, i'm just waiting for thr corporations to justify bringing back slavery outright--that or becoming literal cults. Getting their workers to work without pay is the only low they haven't fully stooped to yet