merritt k

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merritt k

No recall or intervention can work in this place / / represented by Connor Goldsmith ([email protected]) /
Reposted byAvatar merritt k
we would like to reveal our first character, our main character, our number one boy, our special guy... his name is Rocky and he was born yesterday! he's sexy, he's cute, and he has no idea what's going on.
my ex-friend who ran out on his high school sweetheart to move across the country and "find himself" because he wasn't ready to settle down is getting married to the woman he immediately moved in with. you think you know somebody, man
people just walk out on situations everyday for reasons even they don't entirely understand! there is no good reason to trust anybody
it's not that you can't trust anyone but yourself. it's worse. you can't even trust yourself! you could inhale some weed killer or hit your head and completely change overnight! there's no reason for anything and chaos reigns
my favorite 80s action movie? i'd have to say terminator 2, also known as aliens 2
main character reveal for our VN babyyyy
we would like to reveal our first character, our main character, our number one boy, our special guy... his name is Rocky and he was born yesterday! he's sexy, he's cute, and he has no idea what's going on.
Reposted byAvatar merritt k
it is in your interest to define yourself as vaguely and noncommittally as possible
"ughh, think of the mold and mildew" grow up. you think people in the 80s got sick from mold? no. their nostrils were completely full of cocaine. no way for the mold to get in
yeah! this movie was from 1991 so it might be the originator or at least the first use of the stock audio
we gotta start putting carpets in the bathroom again. this will heal america
imagine... bathroom carpet
watched a movie today and there was a radio news report in the background about a 49 year old man going berserk and opening fire with a 12-gauge shotgun and i was like why does this sound familiar. then i realized it's the audio that was in one of the GI joe parodies
is that good, or
lot of people going on watchlists today
offline all day did i miss anything
if you like stupid comics please check out my patreon! sorry if i am pushing it a lot lately but i ran the numbers earlier and I Require Additional Vespene Gas (thats what i call money) to pay for rent which is going up a little since i will no longer be living in da woods soon
we lost a good man today... he didnt die he just shhut down his social media account of instead of closing the computer
no i'm offline most of the day this is just a general thing
this was me after seeing this one scene i wrote in-engine for the first time today. i think you guys are probably going to like Fledgling Manor. go follow
Reposted byAvatar merritt k
There’s too much stuff in existence. We only need like 7 stuff
what nobody wants to admit is that bluesky won't really take off until they start letting us see quote posts
the children yearn for the dunks
just saw what i thought was a corny, pointless defense of NYT and WaPo on here then realized no, it was actually written by someone who works at one of them
you're posting your incest fantasies? on al gore's internet?
so i use YNAB but i've gotten a little lazy with it and i just ran through all my actual expenses and i'm realizing that with taxes and everything i am not bringing in enough to pay my bills lmao
my regular income right now is about 1700 a month between the patreon and my one main writing gig and it turns out that the government still wants money when you make that much
i thought i was sort of scraping by but in fact i am very much not! time to freak out and panic apply to a bunch of jobs and get a bunch of rejections again i guess
Reposted byAvatar merritt k
hunktears updates: - I am making a vampire game with & you can follow our studio and sign up for email updates at - it was my birthday on sun - I do a podcast called and it's very funny - I'm nice
Reposted byAvatar merritt k