
"The president is bound by the law, unless it's politically advantageous for me if he's not"
With very little effort, a determined researcher could probably turn up evidence that every one of the 6 fucking conservative "Justices" on SCOTUS deliberately perjured themselves during their confirmation hearings.
Unethical court, unethical rulings
John Roberts, in his 2005 confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate: "I believe that no one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law.” John Roberts, on Monday: 'But those of us on the right don't like that law, so we changed it.' 🤬
This needs to be played in a Senate hearing.
To quote P.J. O'Rourke, "You would be drummed out of the Subtle Fiction Writer's Guild if you put this in a novel."
They all said Roe was settled law, Thomas claimed he didn't sexually harass Anita Hill, Kavanaugh said he didn't rape. Every word of their confirmation hearings was a fucking lie.
Noting that something is currently settled law, or the law of the land, or established precedent is not a pledge to keep it as such. It’s weasel wording designed to provide later plausible deniability for supposedly moderate Republican senators who vote to confirm.
He lied in his confirmation hearing. Lied. And so did some of the others. And yet, no repercussions. What is the point of a hearing then?
Seems like the GOP nominees have a habit of perjuring themselves during the confirmation hearings.
There’s Avant-Bribes Roberts & Apres-Bribes Roberts. The latter is an integral component of the on-going coup against the United States. If Joe continues to lean on his golden “honor,” the country is in big trouble. He must ACT & act boldly.
It is not hypocrisy, it is lying under oath and an impeachable offense. Please tell me he was under oath.
It was during his Senate confirmation hearing, and he was most certainly under oath.
They don't care about hypocrisy or consistency. They care about power.
Hypocrisy, thy name is republicon (sic)
Felony to lie under oath to Congress to get a job. How many felons on his court, now ? Six, perhaps, including those bribed ?
Wait... a Bush appointee turned out to be a liar and a terrible person to boot?!?
"Gravity! I meant the 'law of gravity'!"
This isn’t hypocrisy. It’s lying. He lied.
If only it actually did burn.
They've always been hypocrites. They know they are hypocrites, pointing it out means nothing. They just laugh at the idea you think they even care. Rules for us, but not them is what they believe in.
It’s true. They don’t give one hoot what the public thinks about them. Lifetime appointments. We can change one aspect of that. Eh? The public can turn into an ugly mob someday. It will come that if they keep flipping us the bird.
I mean we're rapidly approaching the point where the rule of law completely breaks down and it becomes necessary. We can all keep hoping it doesn't come to that, but...*gestures broadly to everything*
With this SCOTUS ruling which makes a president above the law for all intents and purposes — there is no more rule of law. That’s the thing. It’s gone NOW. We are on completely new terrain. That’s why it is SO important Biden wins in November — and Dems down ballot win. THEN we can do something.
Honestly I hope Biden steps down after the debate, but even if he doesn't you're right. Trump cannot win again and we can't let All 3 branches turn red. That'd be game over at this point tbh
That’s the main thing and it is what we need to direct our energy towards. I think damning Biden at this point makes Democrats look weak overall. And untrustworthy. It gives Trump all sorts of bragging and talking points. Or babbling points.
Unless it’s Harris—all the campaign money he’s raised can’t be used by a newcomer. For someone to try to gen up a campaign with only four months until the election — catastrophe. I don’t know anyone who would switch their vote to Trump who otherwise were behind Biden just because of the debate.
It’s time for us to demand Biden step down and allow a competent leader who isn’t afraid to use the supreme courts decision against them and order them to be arrested for treason and crimes against the United States
It's not hypocrisy. The President is only bound by the laws Roberts believes the President should be bound by. Which is to say none for Presidents he agrees with and all of them for Presidents he disagrees with. This is right wing thinking 101
And it won't change until we get help to do so.
It's not hypocrisy. He was simply lying back then.
Not hypocrisy, Deception. He lied, Obfuscated, Deceived, Misdirected. All to gain power
Well, when he said it he only meant the Democrat Presidents, not the Republican ones…
I submit that it is a waste of time to point out Republican hypocrisy or try to shame them. They do not care, and it just irritates helpless Democrats.
They sure lie, cheat, and steal a lot for people who are so convinced they're right about everything.
That Robert's was lying through his teeth, as Barrett and Kavanaugh did in response to questions about Roe v. Wade is another possibility.
Too much optimism, George. Evil doesn't burn these things. They're made of it.
But is the Supreme Court bound by ethics?